The side
panel feature very practical handles which makes it easy to move the
case. In the top part of the case you can find handles to carry the case
easily. Apart from that there are no notable features. The side panel
itself has been metal from a metal sheet and offers sufficient
stiffness. The handle is made from plastic and inside the case, attached
to the chassis, there are reinforcements to ensure stability. Therefore
you can also carry the case when it's fully loaded with hardware. Taking
a closer look at the ground floor shows the hot swap cage and its
connectors. There are two SATA ports as well as one molex power plug. In
the back of the case there goes the power supply, which is not lying
on the ground direclty. There is about two millimeter space between the
ground and the power supply which allow the PSU to breathe
appropriately. Another feature that is worth mentioning concerns cable
management. There are lots of dedicated cable management loops.
Basically you can attach each and every cable to the case using cable
ties. |