The Science behind the 22nm 3D Transistor
and how it can help us overclock!
So let me
confuse you a bit and then unconfused you by simplifying everything. Now if you
don’t know this, decreasing the size of the transistor takes it down to a
quantum level. Quantum mechanics is a scary word, but isn’t very hard to
understand, in very general terms it deals with all aspect of physics not
covered by tradition physics, so it covers physics down to the molecular/atomic
level. When we reach the 22nm size, we are dealing with quantum physics, and
when we do this we can talk about the Hinesburg uncertainty principle, which
basically states we cannot know where the electron will be at a certain point.
That means that if the electron is outside of where it should be, then we have
higher leakage. There is an equation where temperature and leakage are related,
and while it is pretty complex, it does allow us to analyze certain points
Sub threshold Leakage= A (W/L) (k^2/q^2) T^2 e^((-qV_t)/nkT) In more
simplified terms this shows us that leakage increase exponentially with
temperature, and that voltage also has a significant impact on increasing
leakage. This has been true for almost all microprocessors, however on Ivy
Bridge it is easy to see. So we can analyze Ivy Bridge’s power properties in two
ways, first we set a constant overclock and a constant voltage, and we take
control of the temperature by decreasing the temperature at full load through
the use of liquid nitrogen, and we measure the power input. The power input to
the CPU will be reflective of the leakage, lower input power can be because of
lower the wasted power and thus lower leakage, and the temperature we put on the
CPU will be the temperature. We will then do this at another voltage with a
higher frequency and see if the trend is affected.
We can see that
not only is the temperature decrease having a great effect on the power
consumption (representative of leakage), but also an exponential one, as at
around -60C on both runs we see a leveling off of the power consumption. However
as the temperature rises the increase in power is much more than it is when the
temperature is lower. This confirms that the leakage on this CPU is very heavy,
we can also see that the leakage is being decreased exponentially as we decrease
the temperature.
So how can this help me OC? Well keep this in mind, for
every degree you can reduce the temperature of Ivy you are decreasing the
leakage at a faster rate than at the degree above it, when you do this you are
increasing your opportunity for higher frequency at a much faster rate. So
always keep pushing at better temperatures, with Ivy Bridge EVERY degree counts
more than the degree above it. At around -60C this effect subsides, so phase
change would be a point at which the power scaling starts to end.
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