Tom Clancy's Hawx

Published by Dominique Dähler on 11.05.09
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Tom Clancy's Haws is only being controled via the keyboard and it is very easy to get familiar with it. If you were looking for a fighting jet simulation you might be disappointed because what Tom Clancy's Hawx is an arcade simulation with a lot of action. After a short time and a detailed tutorial you know how to handle your jet and you'll successfully fight your way through the first missions in the skies of many different but mostly well known places.

The huge number of airplanes and their very different armament promise many hours of exciting gaming fun. Also every mission is in a different way special. There are fights on the open sea, operations with steahlt bombers and missions where you have to fly under the opponents radar and even pursuits in thight valleys.

For every combat mission you get experience points and are therefore able to choos between more modern jets and heavier armament. Playing the missions again and again is also good fun because the possibilities are nearly endless.

New in Tom Clancy's Hawx is the so called OFF-Mode. In this mode all the flight assistants are deactivated and you're sight is completely focussed to your target. In this mode you can fly very reckless manoeuvres without losing your target out of sight. Also the possibility to "drift" with your jet is very good fun and makes it possible to evade a hot situation very nicely. The only tricky thing is when you break down to heavily. In this case you'll tumble down and it can be very difficult to catch your jet again.

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