Pandora automated liquid nitrogen charger

Published by Marc Büchel on 04.03.09
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How does it work?

Mainly the Pandora consists of four different parts working together: a compressor, a dewar vessel, a valve block and a control unit.

After filling the dewar vessel up with 50 liters of liquid nitrogen the compressor is going to play its part. It is connected to the valve block and generates an over pressure of 1.5 bar. Now we have the situation the liquid nigrogen wants to escape, which is being avoided by the valve block. At this point one can program the Pandora that for example valve one disposes liquid nigrogen until a temperature sensor says that a certain temperature level is reached. Altogether one can program five different valves.

Innereien der Regeleinheit

Just a little bit more in detail Besi made use of the principle of a pressure tank. From the valve block down nearly to the ground of the dewar vessel goes a pipe into which liquid nitrogen is being pumped.

A self adaptive algorithm now controls the lifting magents in the valve block that the LN2 is able to escape into the cooling block.

If we take a closer look at the end of the pipes which lead to the cooling blocks/towers we see diffusors which let the liquid nitrogen escape equally.

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