General |
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Our global verdict about this keyboard
generally positive, since Razer managed to create a solid and high-quality product, almost free of
any flaws. We
certainly liked and appriciated the build quality as well as the soft touch finish and the attractive software. The backlight is clear, precise and never excessive. The RGB backlight is fascinating and astonishing and the level of customizations is almost limitless. Last but not least, the BlackWidow Chroma uses mechanical switches from
Kalih which received Razers own branding. |
- Weight
- Design
Backlight |
Manufacturing quality / Ergonomics |
+ |
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Overall, we can say that the materials used on the Razer BlackWidow Chroma are great, very sturdy and pleasant to
the touch. Apart from that this gaming
keyboard is really comfortable to use, all the keys are well placed and
easy to reach so you will not find yourself pressing the wrong key by accident. In addition to standard programmable
buttons, the Razer BlackWidow Chroma also has the multi-fuction F-keys which
make the usage of the keyboard much easier. Key travel is precise and
linear while the feedback is the way you expect it from today's mechanical keyboards
in this price range. The switches used by Razer are a little too noisy in our opinion and could be
potentiall annoying while playing during night. Razer placed a USB port
on the right hand side of the keyboard.
The RGB backlight is definetely a very interesting feature and Razer combines it
with lots of different functions. The illumination is precise and clear
and only the yellow color looks a bit too strong. |
- Build quality
- Backlight
- USB port
- A bit too noisy |
Software |
+ |
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Razers Synapse
software comes with a bunch of features and it has everything you need
to create an indivudual gaming keybard. You simply can't ask for anything better. Razer Synapse is free and
the download is fast, but you have register first and after installing
you need to login to the software using your own credentials. The login is
actually mandatory. We believe useres would appreciate it if there was
an offline version of Synapse, which asks your login only when you're
connected to the internet. |
- Easy to use
- User registration |
Recommendation / Price |
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The official price of
the Razer BlackWidow Chroma is 169.99 Euro. In terms of features and
performance, this keyboard is certainly a competitive contender since it
features for instance an attractive RGB backlight. If you are looking for a good
gaming keyboard with an attractive, but
not a too aggressive design, and mechanical switches, then the Razer BlackWidow Chroma is a very good choice. However we think that the price is
rather steep when compared to similar products on the market, but this
is something we we're used to with Razer. |
- Gaming
- Office |
- Price |
Rating |
We gave the BlackWidow Chroma from Razer 4 out of 5 stars. |