Overclocking / BIOS
PC Specialist decided to factory overclock this system. This makes us curious
to find out what settings they're actually using. Overclocked the CPU runs at
4.375 GHz. In order to achieve this overclocking the bus clock has been increased to 125 MHz, which results in a 25% frequency boost. We would have preferred to see the overclocking done by increasing the multiplyer, since increasing the bus clock stresses all the other components in the system. 4.375GHz on an i7-5820K is a pretty beefy overclocking, since the system should be 24/7 stable. Therefore PC Specialist had to increase different voltages like for example CPU core voltage as well as system agent voltage.
When it comes to the memory we see a rather interesting choice from PC Specialist. Although they're using a CPU with quad-channel memory interface, there are only two modules installed, but these DIMMs run at DDR4-3000. This is a seriously high frequency for an i7-5820K to cope with and in a quad-channel configuration it be almost impossible to run these frequencies 24/7 stable. By the end of the day this is a trade-off, where
PC Specialist wants to offer its customer higher clock speeds on the memory instead of higher bandwidth.