With the MST Hub, Club 3D has a device in its portfolio, that allows you to connect three displays on one DisplayPort 1.2 connector. In the end the system recognizes the three attached devices as independent displays, which is possible thanks to the so called multi strem technology (MST). DisplayPort supports MST since version 1.2. In combination with an AMD Eyefinity 6 capable card and the Club 3D MST Hub you can attach up to six displays even if the card doesn't offer six outputs.
Back in 2010, when AMD announced their Radeon HD 6000 series graphics cards, they proudly announced, that these cards can cope with up to six displays even if they
have less than six display connectors. In order to attach six displays to such a card a so called Multi Stream Hub is necessary. Meanwhile Club 3D has such a Multistream Hub in its portfolio and we’re now going to have a look at it.