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In der heutigen Zeit geht der Trend zu immer kleiner werdenden Komponenten. Der Hersteller Fractal Design, der bekannt ist für preiswerte aber hochwertige Gehäuse, passt sein Portfolio mit dem Node 304, dem Mini ITX bzw. DTX Format, an. Das Fractal Design Node 304 fällt in die Kategorie der Cube Gehäuse und soll demonstrieren, dass auch in ein kleines Gehäuse leistungsstarke (Gaming)-Hardware verbaut werden kann. Damit eine entsprechende Kühlleistung gewährleistet wird, kommt das Gehäuse mit drei vorab installieren Lüftern.
For this review I will be looking at a new product from an old friend of Xtreme Computing and a well-known pc hardware manufacturer, Thermaltake. The product I am reviewing is a new Mid Tower Chassis in the shape of the VK90001N2Z or the Element T to you and me. Coming from Thermaltake I expect a very high standard.
Den heutigen Tag hat sich Cooler Master als Vorstellungstag für ein neues Produkt herausgepickt und schickt das Gehäuse Centurion 6 ins Rennen. Der Nachfolger des im Markt erfolgreichen und günstigen Centurion 5 will mit etwas größeren Abmessungen und USB-3.0-Anschlüssen an der Front punkten. Pünktlich zum offiziellen Produktstart wird unser heutiger Test zeigen, was das Centurion 6 zu bieten hat.
The NZXT Phantom 530 Case is a full tower so it has lots of space, looks great, plenty of drive bays, cable management, fits long video cards/PSUs, 30W fan controller, I/O LEDs, USB3 and more. They've done a fantastic job of improving on the original Phantom Case.
Our second NZXT offering in less than a week comes in the form of the Panzerbox. Aimed much more specifically at the higher end of the enthusiast and gaming market, the Panzerbox utilises a unique layout and a crafted aluminium chassis.
NZXT gehört mittlerweile mit zu den bekanteren Gehäuseherstellern und hat schon das eine oder andere Case für Gamer auf den Markt gebracht. Auffällige Chassis gehören bei NZXT zur guten Note und so kommt auch die Panzerbox wieder daher. Breit, Schwarz und Stark kann man da nur sagen. Optisch ist die Panzerbox eher an Gamer gerichtet und gerade für Langänger durch die Leichtbauweise aus Aluminium interessant. Was das Gehäuse sonst noch so zu bieten hat und wie es sich im Test geschlagen hat, erfahrt Ihr im folgenden Bericht. Viel Spaß beim Lesen.
If the name BitFenix isn't on your radar yet, I have to assume you have been living under a rock since CES back in January. In case you haven't been here and looked at previous reviews, I was privileged to be one of the select few to see the Colossus back in August so we could be one of the first to bring forth the new innovations and design ideas that BitFenix brings to the table. Even if the chassis wasn't as aesthetically pleasing to you as it was to me, the Colossus showed just how in depth BitFenix went to bring you a spin on some older ideas while still bringing things we had yet to see before.
Thermaltake is a brand that has been around for many years, and one we’re very familiar with at XtremeComputing. Today I will be reviewing the Thermaltake Chaser MK-I, one of Thermaltake’s latest gaming-ATX cases.
Remember when Batman Begins came out? He was having to run across the city and was getting his ass kicked by every building he scrambled down. And then... that tank thing came along. The best piece of butt-kickery to grace a superhero with no powers. How awesome would it be to run around the city in something that looks like that? Well, there's not a flaming chance of you getting to sit behind the wheel of that tank, but at least you can have a case that looks just as hardcore.
NZXT, those moguls of awesomeness, have delivered unto us the Beta Steel Mid Tower. No wussified mini-ATX case here, this thing is a titan. The best thing to me is that even though it's a budget gamer case, priced at under $50, it still offers so much more than many of the cases that cost twice as much. Here's a little information to get us started in showing what this thing is really made of. You know, steel. It says so right in the name.
Take all the engineering talent of Lian-Li, use it to make an affordable yet feature rich product and you end up with the LanCool PC-K58. We take this budget friendly mid size tower case for a spin and compare its performance to several competitors. Does a 140mm in-take pay off? First tool-less PSU installation worthless? Read more to find out.
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