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Kompaktwaserkühlungen gewinnen auf dem Markt immer mehr an Beliebtheit. Besonders der Hersteller Corsair ist in diesem Gebiet ein Vorreiter. Im folgenden Vergleichs-Test haben wir die Chance, das mittlerweile recht umfangreiche Angebot an All-In-One-Kühlungen der Amerikaner auf die Probe zu stellen. Wie sie sich die Hydros in Form der H55, H60, H80i, H90, H100i und H110 im direkten Vergleich mit einem der besten Luftkühler schlagen, klären wir in diesem Test.
Our last competition ended all the way back in July. Even though the number of entries was slightly disappointing, it certainly helped to kick-start the Tech-Reviews Forums. But now we’re back, back with another competition. Going up for grabs is a CoolIT Domino A.L.C Water-Cooling Kit. This watercooling kit was awarded ‘Editor’s Choice’ as well as five shiny stars. Sounds impressive huh? Well it could be yours. Just head over to the Tech-Reviews.co.uk Forums and visit the competition thread. You’ve nothing to lose!
CoolIT Systems has been making self-contained water coolers for CPUs and GPUs for several years now. Today we are looking at one of their newest offerings, the ECO A.L.C. Join us as we put the new ECO A.L.C. through its paces on our Intel Core i7 test system and see how it stacks up against high end air and other water kits like the Corsair H50.
Arctic stellte im Mai seinen Accelero Hybrid vor. Ein universeller und wartungsfreier Grafikkartenkühler für AMD und Nvidia Grafikkarten, der diese sowohl mit Wasser und auch mit Luft kühlt. Dabei wird die GPU per Wasserkühlung und 120mm Radiator gekühlt und zusätzlich werden die Speicherbausteine und Spannungswandler aktiv per 80mm Lüfter gekühlt. Den Accelero Hybrid haben wir nun auf einer Sapphire Radeon HD 7870 verbaut und lassen ihn zudem noch gegen drei weitere Grafikkartenkühler von Arctic in einem überarbeiteten Testablauf antreten.
The Zalman Reserator 3 Max Dual is an interesting piece, there is no doubt about that. The design is unlike any other CLC on the market, and it brings some very interesting features to the table. While different is not always necessarily better, we have learned from experience that Zalman’s circular and offbeat designs have worked very well, and were not simply form over function type of thinking.
The Corsair H80 is an all-in-one water cooling solution for the CPU, boasting high efficiency cooling at an extremely reasonable price (under $100 at most retailers) for a water cooling setup. We take a look at cooling efficiency, setup, and use of the system in our detailed analysis.
The Nvidia TITAN card is one serious monster gaming graphics card. Maximum performance awaits you if you are able to pay the atmospheric price tag. For those that want the fastest single GPU graphics card at the moment, this is the right one for you. But it's not all roses here for Nvidia's fastest GPU. The TITAN card is seriously limited by an average power design, allowing almost no extra headroom for that little extra crunching power. Secondly the stock heatsink is also running on its toes to keep the card just below throttling temperature. The latter is where watercooling comes to the rescue. Slovenian EK Waterblocks was so kind to send us one of their full cover block TITAN versions bundled with the backplate. A newer XL version of this full cover block also has popped up in the EK online shop. Time to unpack one of EK's marvels.
Enermax certainly isn't a name we associate with watercooling and even though any company can take an Asetek/CoolIT base unit and slap their own fans and branding on it, Enermax haven't done that. Enermax haven't officially announced who is the OEM producer of their ELC watercooling units, it is clearly not them. My educated guess, based on what I have read and seen, is that Asia Vital Components are the makers of it. It is seemingly not a CoolIT or Asetek rebrand so we should expect the performance to differ from those types of units. However, whether this is a positive or negative difference is the really important question.
Nous vous présentions au début du mois d'octobre le H80, nouvel arrivant dans la gamme Hydro Series de Corsair. Ce kit de watercooling tout-en-un était l'un des résultats de la toute récente association de la marque californienne et du géant du segment CoolIT. Ce modèle, comme nous l'avions vu, se révélait très performant et creusait un &eacut e;cart certain sur ses prédécesseurs et sur son concurrent direct, le Kühler H2O 920 de chez Antec. Mais voilà, Corsair ne se contentait pas de ça et annonçait dans le même temps le H100, déclinaison équipée d'un radiateur de 240mm, capable d'accueillir jusqu'à quatre ventilateurs et toujours réalisée en collaboration avec CoolIT. Cette évolution est-elle suffisante pour à nouveau assommer la concurrence à coup de marteau et se démarquer du déjà très performant H80 ? La réponse se trouve peut-être dans ces pages.
CoolIT Systems noticed that well built water cooler was missing from the sub $80 market and went back to a drawing board to see if something could be designed that had the cooling performance that enthusiasts demand and a price tag that won't break the bank during these troubled economic times. After many long hours and a year in the test lab CoolIT Systems came up with the Domino A.L.C. Read on to see how this cooler performs on an Intel Core i7 platform!
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