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Cooling is very important to us here at the Overclock Intelligence Agency. Sure, good hardware is necessary to build a stable, fast system, but a good heatsink/fan combination can be the most cost-effective way to turn a decent rig into a great one. It comes as no surprise, then, that we tend to review a lot of cooling products. Today we have for review one of the newer CPU coolers from Cooler Master, their Hyper 212 Plus. The Hyper 212 Plus belongs to Cooler Master’s performance line, aiming to provide overclock-worthy temperatures to users on a budget.
Today we are looking at a new cooler from Thermaltake designed specifically for overclocking and high powered CPUs. Thermaltake claim that it can dissipate up to 220W of heat, so it should be able to keep even an overclocked i7 running smoothly.
We recently sent out a call to a handful of cooling manufacturers; folks that most in the enthusiast community should be quite familiar with. What we wound up with is a sampling of the best low noise socket 1156 CPU coolers from Zalman, Noctua, Thermalright, Cooler Master, Zaward, and Thermaltake to compare in this shootout.
The Eclipse II is a fine example of modern engineering put into effect. Boasting incredible features such as the five 8mm heat pipes, dual fans, and dimpled surface, the competition in the air cooling market just got stiffer. Coming out on top is a feat the majority of heat sinks can't pull off.
Der österreichische Hersteller Noctua hat sich als Ziel die Spitze der Kühlercharts gesetzt. Hierfür schicken Sie den neuen NH-D14 Prozessorkühler ins Rennen. Da Noctua ja schon mit dem NH-U12 einige Lorbeeren einstreichen konnte, sind wir auf das Ergebnis des Nachfolgers sehr gespannt. Mit seinen 6 Heatpipes, einem Doppelradiator-Design und einer Dual-Lüfterkonfiguration sollte da doch einiges an Leistungsfähigkeit geboten werden. Wie der Noctua Kühler sich bei uns im Test geschlagen hat erfahrt Ihr im folgenden Testbericht. Viel Spaß beim Lesen....
Auch diesmal reflektiert Prolimatech eine biblische Geschichte als Namensfindung für eine neuen Kühler. Als Rahmenhandlung dient das Buch Samuel 1.17 aus dem alten Testament und der Kampf zwischen David und Goliath, dessen Resultat wir ja alle kennen. Prolimatech vermittelt also durchaus Selbstbewußtsein, wenn man suggeriert, das größere Kühler von diesem sehr kompakten neuen Kühler "besiegt" werden können.
This is the smallest cooler in height I have ever tested, even shorter than the 45mm stock Intel cooler, out of the box. In relative size it should, or could rather, be cooled with an 80 or 92mm fan, but that isn't the case in Prolimatech's latest submission.
Arctic Cooling needs no introduction; they have been around forever it seems. They have been making coolers for both CPUs and graphics cards for as long as I can remember and also they’re the makers of one of my favorite thermal compounds, MX-2. The reasons behind why it is my favorite compound? Well, first off, it spreads very nice. There is no need for a special spatula or use of a credit card. Just put a blob in the middle of the die and spread it around by any means. Secondly, it takes no time to cure and has no conductive properties, a definite plus, especially if you apply too much material. In this case, what squeezes out the side will cause no harm; it just makes for a bit more cleanup later. The last reason I usually go for a tube of MX-2 is the availability and pricing.
Zalman is once again in the spotlight here at Benchmark reviews, returning today with the ZM-NC3000U notebook cooler. Regular visitors may remember the ZM-NC2500 Plus notebook cooler from Zalman was reviewed here not to long ago. While the function is the same, the design is very different. The Zalman ZM-NC3000U notebook cooler sports a big 220mm centre mounted fan and has a sand blasted, anodized aluminium vented surface surrounded by a glossy black outer bezel, which makes for a very nice look indeed. We aim to see in this review if this design difference will offer any more performance over its younger brother, so join us now as we examine the design and analyze the capabilities of the Zalman ZM-NC3000U notebook cooler.
In the past, notebook coolers have featured a few fans wrapped together in a block of plastic. While relatively effective on paper, not all designs were functional or ideal for all laptops. Today, Antec provides a solution that is aesthetic in appearance, yet simple and functional in design with the passively cooled Notebook Cooler Basic.
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