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Thermaltake tries its hand at notebook cooling and external speakers. The Massive SP is now our second entry in this market. Let's take a look.
On the cooling test bench today we have something pretty special, the NoFan CR-80EH. The latest cooler from NoFan, a completely passive CPU cooler that obviously promises silent performance for your computer, but it’s also the newer, more budget friendly model of their previous fan-less CPU cooler, the CR-95C which we reviewed two years ago. We were really impressed by the performance of the previous model, it kept our CPU well within the safe zone for your average user and of course it didn’t without making so much as a whisper of noise.
In this review we will be looking at the bequiet! Dark Rock Pro 3. The Pro 3 is a dual tower heatsink that is designed to be a no compromise cooling solution for silent operation and thermal performance.
Much like mechanical drives and solid state drives regular CPU air coolers are nowhere near to be replaced by the rather new in comparison AIO (all in one) liquid CPU coolers. When the first "serious" AIO models made their appearance just over a year ago some of us did think that it wouldn't take long for that to happen but since to date AIO models haven't really achieved much higher cooling performance compared to high-end CPU air coolers it will obviously take longer for that to happen (if of course something new and better comes along until then). Because of that it doesn't really come as a surprise that there are many manufacturers out there that still focus in the design and manufacture of CPU air coolers one of which is Scythe and today with us we have their latest Ninja 4 model.
Einmal mehr versucht ein unbekannter Hersteller mit seinem Produkt Aufmerksamkeit auf sich zu ziehen. Im nachfolgenden Fall fällt diese bereits nach wenigen Augenblicken sehr positiv aus und die in Hongkong ansässige Firma Zero Infinity präsentiert ihre erste Kühllösung für Prozessoren, welche „ganz oben“ mitspielen möchte. Mit auffälligen Design und einem Kühlblock dessen Maße die eines Zylinderkopfs von einem LKW entsprechen, sollen optisch sowie auch leistungstechnisch groß auftrumpfen. Wie das mit drei Lüftern ausgestatte, designierte Kühlmonster sich im Praxistest schlug, klärt der nachfolgende Testbericht.
Cooler Master's V10 is impressive in many respects. Size and stature are reassuringly large, but fitment may be an issue for some motherboards and cases. The engineering innovation and design are quite nice, as is the fit and finish. Unfortunately, the high cost and potentially troublesome installation leave something to be desired. Frankly, there are better performing coolers out there that are half the price, easier to install and perform just as well.
Wenn man sich die Entwicklung der aktuellen Luftkühler, PC-Gehäuse, Netzteile, Radiatoren für Wasserkühlungen usw. anschaut, ist eine leichte bis mittlere Trendwende kaum zu übersehen. Die lange dominierenden 120mm Lüfter werden schlucksessive durch 140mm Pendents ersetzt, von denen mittlerweile sogar eine gewisse Auswahl in den Katalogen existiert.
Die ersten GTX 260/280 Grafikkarten sind schon fast vor einem Jahr erschienen, doch passende Alternativkühler sind kaum erschienen. Im Jänner diesen Jahres hat Arctic Cooling den Accelero Xtreme GTX280 vorgestellt, den Hardwareoverclock auf einer GTX260² SSC getestet haben. Die Resultate sind beeindruckend
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