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Mit dem Kühler H₂O 620 stellten wir euch Anfang des Jahres die erste All-In-One-Wasserkühlung von Antec vor. Mit guten Testwerten, gerade im hohen Drehzahlbereich, konnte das System damals bei den Temperaturtests überzeugen. Mit dem Kühler H₂O 920 hatte Antec schon damals einen Nachfolger angekündigt, welcher leistungsstärker zu Werke gehen sollte und noch weitere, bis dato nicht benannte, Verbesserungen mit sich bringen sollte. Heute wollen wir euch nun genau diesen Nachfolger vorstellen. Mit einem dickeren Radiator, zwei 120-mm-Lüftern und über eine mitgelieferte Software steuerbar präsentiert sich der Kühler H₂O 920 von Antec. Ob die Veränderungen aber wirklich einen Mehrwert bringen, klären wir auf den folgenden Seiten.
Just when you think you have seen just about everything you can out of the all-in-one water coolers, someone is always trying to find a way to make their product stand out against the rest in the crowd. When we took a look at the KÜHLER H2O 620 a little while ago, I was impressed with what Antec and Asetek were able to come up with. While it wasn't a huge departure from the H50 from Corsair, there was enough to visually tell them apart as well as the Antec version performing slightly better in the testing. So what was left to improve on?
Antec has brought another compact water cooling system to the market, the Kühler H2O 920, which comes with a bigger radiator, more powerful PWM fans in a push-pull configuration, a multicolored LED and software customization through ChillControl V.
Today we are testing the Antec Kühler H2O 920 CPU liquid cooling system, which is a sealed system with two 120 mm fans and USB control. Check it out!
Cooling your CPU is one of the most important parts of any computer system. Without it you would very quickly make your computer redundant as the CPU would be a bit too toasty for its own liking! Most of the time we rely on air cooling as it is the most readily available heat transfer medium available to us in a case.
Antec has been in the business for a long time. In fact, they are celebrating their silver anniversary. That's right, Antec brings twenty-five years of experience to the table! With this sort of history, they know a good idea when they see one, and of course they saw what all the rage is in all-in-one water cooling loops. Corsair and CoolIt have made good amounts of money off of this concept, and now Antec figures it is time for their share of the market. I assume this is where the call went over to Asetek from Antec.
L'été est là avec ses beaux jours. Le soleil est de sortie et ça n'est pas pour déplaire à tout le monde. Pour les uns c'est le moment de sortir les endives de la cave, le temps des mini-jupes, du retour du Speedo et des tongs! Pour d'autres, le cauchemar commence... Faut-il sous volter son processeur et ventiler avec d'énormes ventilateurs de chantier pour éviter la surchauffe? Et le watercooling, c'est une solution aussi ? Oui, le watercooling c'est ce dont il est question aujourd'hui et plus particulièrement des kits autonomes ou tout-en-un. Après Coolit et Asetek, pionniers sur ce segment - mais réservés le plus souvent aux intégrateurs - le marché s'était ouvert au grand public grâce à Corsair et ses solutions H50 et H70 de la gamme Hydro Series. Plus récemment, la marque californienne Antec s'est lancée dans l a partie avec deux produits milieu et haut de gamme: les Kühler H20 Series 620 et 920. Ces solutions sont-elles une bonne alternative aux meilleurs refroidissements à air ? C'est ce que nous allons tenter de savoir dans ce dossier !
We tested the Kühler H2O 620 watercooler from Antec, which uses a sealed system with the pump integrated to the CPU block. Check it out!
Antec sit alongside Corsair as one of the big-boys in the All-In-One liquid CPU cooling market. They have been around for a long time and were one of the first to mainstream the trend of AIO CPU coolers. Their Kuhler series is renowed for its reliability, simplicity and good bang-for-buck. Today we have with us the latest exciting addition to the Kuhler H20 series, the Kuhler H20 1220. Why is this exciting you may be wondering? Well this is the first review in the world of the Antec Kuhler H20 1220 and to us a world exclusive is pretty exciting.
Corsair made ‘all in one’ liquid cooling popular a few years ago and today the market is literally saturated with new ‘updated’ versions based on the same theme. KitGuru reviewed the Antec Kühler H20 620 in March, and it earned our highest award for the combination of class leading performance and competitive pricing. The latest 920 version is a more substantial design, with dual fans and an improved radiator.
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