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Spire stellt neben Gehäusen, Netzteilen und Festplattengehäusen auch Kühler für Grafikkarten und Prozessoren her. So wurden kurz nach der Veröffentlichung des Core i7 auch die ersten passenden Kühler für die neuen Prozessoren herausgebracht. Einer der neuen Kühler, der TherMax Pro, soll mit seinem 92-Millimeter-Lüfter und drei Heatpipes für eine ausreichende Kühlung der neuen Hitzköpfe sorgen. Ob das gelingt erfahrt ihr auf den folgenden Seiten.
Fans may not be the most exciting component in your new PC, however they do make a lot of difference in terms of performance, noise and enjoyability – it’s hard to enjoy a film (or game) if all you can hear is the whirling of wind turbines, when the film (or game) in question has nothing to do with planes.
The Noctua NF-S12B FLX 120mm Fan is the latest release in a series of popular fans designed for the noise conscious system builder from the Austrian specialist company Noctua. A previously small niche company synonymous with low noise fans has recently grown to prominence due to their high performance NH-D14 dual radiator heatsink which took the market by storm. This single product has given the company exposure to the performance enthusiast market that Noctua was never really targeted in the past.
Thermaltake is known for a variety of products -- everything from cases to CPU coolers. Today we are going to take a look at one of their new CPU coolers – the Thermaltake Jing. The “Silent by Design” tag line indicates this will likely be a quiet cooler. CPU coolers have a tendency to be either very quiet or very efficient, but hitting both can be a challenge. The Jing was noticeably absent from Thermaltake's CES lineup earlier this year so this will be our first look at this new cooler.
While SSDs may be all the rage these days, there are still a lot of people chugging along with traditional HDD offerings. In fact in many cases, this is a preferable option as while slower, there are much bigger storage capacities available and they're much cheaper when considering the cost per GB. Some downsides to these units though, are noise output - in some of the faster drives - and in some cases heat. There are many products available to aleviate this issue, but today we're looking at one from Nexus.
The Gaia from Xigmatek is in for testing today, we’ve all heard of Xigmatek, they came out of know where in 2005 with HDT (Heatsink Direct Touch) technology that not only performed well, but was very well priced too. The Gaia seems to be very similar to what we first saw from Xigmatek so we’ll see if the performance stacks up!
"Ils sont au format tour et sont équipés d’un ventilateur des 120 mm. L’un comporte six caloducs de Ø 6 mm, l’autre trois mais Ø 8 mm avec la possibilité de monter un deuxième ventilateur en extraction. Ils sont compatibles avec tous les sockets courants, Intel LGA 775, 1155, 1156, 1366 et AMD AM2, AM2+ et AM3 enfin ils utilisent tous deux une contre-plaque à positionner au dos de la carte mère, pour leur fixation."
Nachdem bereits die Modelle aus der USC Serie überzeugen konnten, bietet der Hersteller be quiet! seit einiger Zeit eine 120mm-PWM-Version seiner Silent Wings Lüfter an. Im nachfolgenden Test prüfen wir, ob auch dieses Familienmitglied an die hervorragenden Leistungen der Silent Wings USC Serie anschließen kann.
Im Herbst 2009 hatte der Tuniq Tower 120 Extreme die Spitze unserer CPU-Kühler-Charts erstürmt, doch nun schickt sich Noctuas Schwergewicht NH-D14 an, den Thron zu besteigen. Mit sechs u-förmigen Heatpipes und zwei großformatigen Lüftern will der Österreicher 13 weitere CPU-Kühler der oberen Leistungsklasse in ihre Schranken weisen.
NZXT has released a solid performer, and its name is the Havik 120. Designed bottom-up to outperform with class, its quad heat pipe design insures victory in the midrange performance HSF assemblies. Found at $50 CAD at major retailers, who wouldn’t consider such a heat sink for their gaming rig? The answer to that is found in the heart of acoustic junkies, who demand the upmost silence from any build.
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