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Better cameras and recording equipment obviously require more space to store your files. The Samsung MB-MS8GA 8GB microSDHC card is the perfect option. It’s Full HD compliant, capable of storing 2000 photos, 2 hours of HD video and 2000 songs. Samsung also claim that the MB-MS8GA is near-indestructible so we’ll be putting this to the test later on as well.
ARLT Computer wirbt mit seinem aktuellen Komplett-PC-System Mr. Whipser Ultra SSD III um die Gunst der Kunden, welche einen leistungsfähigen, aber dennoch leisen PC erwerben möchten. Besonderes Augenmerk legt man darum auf die zum Einsatz kommenden Komponenten. Ausschließlich Markennamen finden sich in unserem Testmuster wieder - auch eine SSD. Unser Test wird zeigen, ob das System seinem Namen gerecht wird.
Every now and again I get the chance to have a product a little ahead of every other reviewer in the world and in some cases, I’ve been able to claim the worlds first review as well. There is however one drive that I’m sure many reviewers are waiting to get their hands on, and thanks to Kingston I’ve been able to get a hands on world, exclusive look at the HyperX Predator 1TB USB3.0 flash drive.
A few months ago I had a look at the DataTraveler Ultimate 3.0 G3 64GB, which features a build and design that is fairly similar to that of the 1TB drive that I have to play with today, however this is of course a little more special with its HyperX branding and of course the mammoth 1TB capacity.
As opposed to most flash drives that we’ve seen from Kingston, the HyperX Predator 1TB is far more worthy of the typical plastic packaging that is pretty much the standard. Instead, this drive comes in a rather sleek looking metal tin with a fitted foam interior that holds both the drive and the accessories that come with it. Alongside the mammoth 1TB drive, we find a keyring for attaching the drive to a set of keys or hand-cuffs; as after all you really don’t want to be letting this drive out of your sight too soon as I felt whilst I had it in my possession. The other accessory we get is a short USB extension cable which for many users will be a well used accessory due to the fact that the drive is a little wider than a typical USB drive.
It’s been a while since I’ve taken a look at any USB 3.0 products here at TestFreaks, but today I’ve got one that I think is worthy of a review. It’s a 3.5” SATA HDD enclosure from Vantec called the NexStar 3 SuperSpeed and it’s one of the most attractive and well made enclosures I’ve come across. It’s also one of the least expensive on the market when compared to the other limited choices we’ve got.
The next thing you notice if you are familiar with previous versions is the lack of a rubber flap over the MicroUSB port. It looks like they did away with it when converting from USB to MicroUSB. The MicroUSB port is smaller and recessed and there is a small pinhole LED light on the front to show activity on the drive.
Mit der SSDNow V300 schickt Kingston aktuell das erst kürzlich erschienende Produkt für preisbewusste SSD-Kunden ins Rennen. Bei Controller wird dabei auf altbewährtes gesetzt, SandForce Controller mit der Modellnummer SF-2281. Dass dieses Feld mehr als gesättigt zu sein scheint ist weitläufig bekannt. Schafft Kingston es sich mit der V300 zu behaupten und die Modelle der Mitbewerber in den Schatten zu stellen und wenn ja wie? Antworten auf diese Fragen gibt es wie immer im nacholgenden Testbericht.
Two or more of SanDisk's Extreme II Hyper-Class 120GB SSD's and your Intel based motherboard is a cost effective way to experience RAID 0 bliss. Think of it as SLI for your storage.
Le Vertex est sûrement le SSD le plus connu au monde car il est à l'origine d'une véritable SAGA. 1, 2, 3, et maintenant 4, OCZ ne cesse de d'améliorer son SSD phare. D'abord en contrôleur Indilinx, puis en SandForce, OCZ revient maintenant à ses premiers amours et réadopte donc une solution Indilinx avec l'Everest 2. Quels sont les résultats de ce nouveau contrôleur ? Réponse dans cet article.
Samsung is a manufacturer that needs no introduction and they are about to release a mSATA SSD that will definitely be making waves across the SSD market, never mind the technology world. The Samsung 840 EVO mSATA SSD will soon be gracing our presence, and the performance unprecedented thanks to Samsung’s software engineering sorcery
Other World Computing or OWC as most people call them is a company you may or may not have heard of. They have been around since 1988 and are one of the premier brands of upgrade and enhancement products for Apple devices. They started out with memory and like most memory companies they have started producing solid state drives. Today we are going to be checking out their Mercury Extreme Pro 6G Solid State drive. By the name you can guess this is a solid state drive and it boasts speeds of 559MB/s read and 527MB/s write. Let’s see how it stands up to the other big names in the SSD market.
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