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"Now with a new range of NAS, and a new OS to run on their devices and some iOS/Android apps we get to see how the products have evolved in the form of the AS-302T.
Nonostante l'ottimo andamento nel mercato degli SSD della serie 840 PRO, Samsung butta nella mischia i nuovissimi Samsung 840 EVO, in grado di sbaragliare la concorrenza grazie alle eccellenti prestazioni, un bundle di tutto rispetto, prezzi allettanti e qualche “trucchetto”!
Durable, fast and secure. We test the ADATA HD710 external hard drive and see how it goes.
The Silicon Power marvel M60 was a big surprise, not only it was able to give some outstanding results in our tests, but it was also able to give an outstanding performance in real life tasks.
The Vantec NexStar HX NST-330SU3 is an economical external hard drive enclosure for 3.5" SATA II drives that permits extra storage space to be easily added to any desktop computer via USB 3.0 or eSATA cable. The Vantec NexStar features a small 80mm fan to help keep the HDD from overheating over prolonged hours of use - a problem with always on external drives which forget to spin down the disk during idle periods.
SanDisk's Extreme 240GB SSD has an extreme price of just $175 and we know the new firmware is on the way. Today Chris tests the Extreme to the extreme, but this time with working TRIM.
Today we have the latest SSD from PNY attached to our test system, the XLR8 Pro, putting it up against the best that Samsung and OCZ (amongst others) have to offer.
Die Preise für digitale Spiegelreflex-Kameras fallen immer weiter und auch der Sommer macht sich nun endlich nicht mehr nur kalendarisch bemerkbar. Grund genug, wieder mit dem Fotoapparat loszuziehen und für uns einmal auf das passende Kamera-Futter zu schauen. Doch was gibt es zu beachten? Wo sollte man zuschlagen, wo aufpassen und wie kommen die Bilder möglichst schnell auf den heimischen ..
Verständlicherweise warten viele unserer Leser und SSD Fans auf den Test der Samsung 840 Pro und nun ist es endlich soweit. Der Weg dorthin gestaltete sich allerdings holpriger, als erwartet. Da das von Samsung angekündigte 840 Pro Testsample bisher keine Anstalten unternahm, sich bei uns einzufinden, ergriffen wir kurzerhand die Initiative und orderten bei einem Onlinehändler unserer Wahl ein entsprechendes 256 GB Exemplar. Dadurch ergeben sich gleich zwei positive Nebenaspekte: wir vermeiden golden Samples und der Kunde erfährt, was beim Händler im Regal liegt.
All DVD-burners are the same, right? So what makes one better than the next. It's rare these days to hear about an optical drive, with all the other components that are getting faster, greener, and cheaper. Today, Benchmark Reviews is taking a look at ASUS's most recent addition to the optical drive market, the ASUS DRW-24B1ST 24x DVD+/-RW. Many of us may have recently been contemplating an upgrade to our old drives. After a few years of wear and tear, optical drives can give out. Also, with recent upgrades in motherboards, you might find yourself without an IDE channel, necessitating the purchase of a newer SATA model drive. Benchmark Reviews will test the ASUS DRW-24B1ST against other optical drives with USB, IDE, and SATA connectors to find out just exactly what ASUS has in store with it's newest DVD-Burner.
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