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Iomega est un acteur indéniable du stockage, qu’il soit USB ou Réseau. Nous avons donc en test aujourd’hui un NAS deux baies qui se destine aux PME, ou bien aux utilisateurs soucieux de sauvegarder leurs photos de vacances. Nous verrons ensemble si ce NAS est à la hauteur de leur service commercial.
Knowing that the Vertex 450 was going to be very similar to the Vector series drives, we already had an idea of what we would see on the test bench. We certainly weren't disappointed with performance that lived up to the storied Vertex name. Specifically, we love seeing the consistent performance without the dips we've been so accustomed to seeing with the SandForce drives. The Indilinx Barefoot 3 controller is proving itself to be amongst the best available and frankly SandForce (LSI) needs to step their game soon if they wish to keep pace with what we are seeing from numerous other controllers...
The time is ripe for LSI to introduced a follow-up to the SandForce SF-2281. The champion of yesteryear can no longer compete with today's fastest SSDs, such as the Samsung 840 Pro or OCZ's own Vector. SandForce SF-2281 has been demoted to budget SSDs.
Today SanDisk launches a new flagship SSD for the enthusiast market. We'll have three reviews with performance data, but to start today out, let's take a look at what Extreme II has under the hood.
Auf den Nachfolger der überaus erfolgreichen und gut verkauften Crucial m4 SSD haben sicherlich viele Anwender gewartet, die Ankündigung erfolgte im Januar, dann wurde verschoben und nochmals verschoben. Erst jetzt im Mai ist das neue Crucial M500 SSD Aushängeschild tatsächlich auch bei den Händlern verfügbar, einzige Ausnahme bleibt nach wie vor die 960 GB Variante, die zum avisierten Preis von ca. 510 bis 550 € derzeit bei keinem deutschen Händler erhältlich ist.
Sei es wie es ist, wir testen ohnehin die 240 GB Version für unser Review und bedanken uns an dieser Stelle ausdrücklich bei Caseking, die uns schnell und unbürokratisch ausgeholfen haben. Worin besteht die Zielsetzung von Crucial, welches Marktsegement möchte man bedienen, was sind die Intentionen? diese Fragen stellen sich natürlich, wenn man weiß, dass Crucial für die M500 den neuen Marvell 88SS9187 Controller verwendet, der ja bereits in der Plextor M5 Pro/Xtreme und OCZ Vertex 4 SSD arbeitet und wenn man weiß, das Marvell die finale Programmierung des Controllers den ausliefernden Firmen überlässt, die somit durch entsprechende eigene Profile nicht zuletzt über "Wohl und Wehe" der schnellen Laufwerke entscheiden.
Einerseits will Crucial natürlich dort ansetzen, wo man sich mit der m4 SSD Serie bereits erfolgreich in Szene gesetzt hatte, im Home Desktop Bereich und in aktuellen Notebooks. Benchmark Rekorde und Serverräume bleiben anderen Modellen vorbehalten, hier und jetzt zählen Lebensdauer, Zuverlässigkeit, ein niedriger Energiebedarf und ein attraktives Preisgefüge, im Prinzip steht also die Kundenklientel im Focus, die auch als Interessent für die m4 in Frage kam, nur das die M500 ihren Job etwas schneller verrichtet, zumindest versprechen dies die Werksangaben. Ob und vor allem wie dies realisiert wurde, sehen wir uns jetzt gemeinsam in unserem neuesten SSD Praxis Test an, dazu wünschen wir euch viel Vergnügen....
Synology release a wide range of NAS systems every year, and today we are looking at the DS 1813+ which has been designed from the ground up to cope with the demanding enterprise environment.
The DS1813+ is built for speed, it incorporates a dual core processor and can scale with multiple DX512 expansion bays to support a total of 72GB of storage.
When the first mass production consumer oriented solid state drives (SSDs) made their appearance roughly 5 years ago we were all swept away by the performance gap compared to normal mechanical drives which in some cases was as much as 3 times over. Back then however price was indeed a huge issue and thus it wasn't until around 2 years ago that prices took a serious dive and allowed more and more people to own one either in their systems or to carry around as a portable solution. However although prices are very low as we speak since the introduction of SSDs we haven't really seen anything ground breaking that can match the how we felt back then and by that i mean that back then even normal consumers could "feel" the difference in loading times and system responsiveness whereas now this is not the case. Of course the technology behind SSDs keeps improving and aside the incredibly fast PCIex solutions we've just seen the introduction of 12Gbps drives however those are primarily aimed towards demanding enterprise use and because of that their launch prices are as expected off the charts. So since the next best thing for consumers is regular SATA III SSDs today we will be taking a thorough look at the PX-256M5Pro by Plextor.
Lexar turns up the heat on the USB 3.0 flash drive market with the P10 pen drive. We have it in house for testing.
The HGST Ultrastar SSD800MM brings PCIe-like performance to a 2.5" form factor SSD with the new 12Gb/s SAS interface.
The Kingston Class 10 UHS-I (U1) SDXC 64GB Ultimate Card fills just that void. It is a simple solution to a typically confusing scenario and we are going to analyze the Kingston Card in a very simple format, allowing you to understand the terms that confuse us so and arming you with the knowledge to understand why a quality card is so important in today’s camera world. As a bonus, we are also going to report on the new Kingston MobileLite G3 Card Reader, and I will be the first to admit, this is one of the handiest things available for the camera enthusiast.
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