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The Mach Xtreme MX-GX USB 3.0 Flash Drives offer incredible read speeds and come in 4 different flavours: 8GB, 16GB, 32GB or 64GB; they are also priced competitively, the 16GB model being found at CaseKing.de for about 29.90 Euros.
Today we have the Akasa DuoDock 2S hard drive docking station on our test bench which lets you hook up two hard drives to your machine via a USB3.0 interface. Both hard drive slots support both 2.5″ and 3.5″ hard drives, making this product as flexible as possible. We will also be taking a look at Akasa’s USB3.0 two-port ExpressCard notebook adapter which lets users add USB3.0 functionality to their laptop without significant cost.
When USB 3.0 was announced it seemed natural for USB flash drives to take advantage of the additional bandwidth. Mach Extreme Technologies is a new company that is looking to make a name and they are doing so with their MX-GX USB 3.0 thumb drives.
Inside the Max 5G Active Cooling 3.5'' USB 3.0 External HDD Enclosure from Thermaltake, we can install in a matter of seconds our drive and start transferring data at high speeds. The dual 80mm fans help cooling the HDD while it is on, so we can obtain similar temperatures as we would have installed the drive inside a well ventilated computer case.
As more and more professional devices are moving to SDHC, having a high end card like the Patriot Memory LX Pro provides the ability for fast speed and response time when taking photos or recording HD video. The comfort of knowing that your card can react as quickly as you can on the moments that count the most is unprecedented.
It's been awhile since we looked at a thumb drive, but it's time to get back into the thick of things. Over the coming days we'll see three of the latest and greatest USB 3.0 thumb drives that are capable of holding large amounts of data and transferring that data at high speeds. The last drive we looked at was the Mach Xtreme MX-FX; today we are looking at Mach Xtreme's newest offering, the MX-GX.
L'Universal Serial Bus, plus connu sous le nom d'USB, ne vous est sûrement pas inconnu. C'est avec cette norme qu'ont vu naître les supports les plus pratiques depuis maintenant plusieurs années : les clés USB. La norme a évolué, après l'USB 1.0 puis 1.1 est arrivé l'USB 2.0 et les capacités évoluant toujours vers plus c'est désormais l'USB 3.0 pour le grand public qui a débarqué en 2010. Et c'est justement lui qui nous intéresse ici puisque nous nous sommes procurés différents produits exploitants cette norme. Faut-il craquer pour de l'USB 3.0 ? Munis de périphériques ADATA, nous allons tenter de répondre à la question et voir si l'USB 2.0 appartient vraiment au passé.
128 Gigabyte Speicherplatz, USB 3.0 und eine kompakte Bauform. Aber ist der MX-FX mit 128 Gigabyte Speicherplatz von Mach Xtreme Technology auch so schnell wie vom Hersteller versprochen? Wir haben uns den kleinen Riesen näher angesehen und mit den USB-3.0-Sticks der Konkurrenz verglichen. Das Ergebnis zeigt Licht und Schatten.
At this point we've seen all of the larger, 256GB based SSDs and it's now time to start looking at the 128GB range. The 120GB - 128GB capacity size is important for manufacturers and consumers since this is the size that most of you are looking to purchase. The 128GB drives are very affordable this year, quite a bit less than the 2010 crop of drives and offer an amazing amount of performance.
Around the same time, Corsair shipped hardware review nerds a handful of samples. At the same time the first retail products were being shipped to retail and e-tail businesses. The reviewers found a previously unknown stability issue with their samples and reported the issue. Normally review nerds get products before resellers, but in this round a few cases of products were sold. I don't know how many drives ended up in the hands of end users, but I doubt it was 1,700 in the short amount of time they were available. I do know the end results aren't as potentially deadly as the Porsche issue. Yes, technically it was a recall, but it was handled quickly, openly and honestly. Corsair really showed what kind of company they are while handling this issue. The new, issue free drives are hitting e-tail, retail and hardware review nerds alike this week.
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