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Our review today is going to focus on the Crucial M4 512GB SSD and the most noteworthy thing about this SSD needs to be said right off. At under $1000, it sells for almost half of that of competitor new generation SATA 3 SSDs and its performance easily ranks it amongst the best in Gen 2 top tier 6Gbps solid state drives available today. Its PCMark Vantage benchmark even trumps that of the 256GB M4 that we reviewed previously.
While not as common as Catalyst releases, major ForceWare releases are probably more important for the simple fact that they don't come as often. The fact that they don't come as often also means that people expect more out of them, since AMD make the effort to release drivers monthly.
La Smart Response Tecnhology (SRT), più comunemente conosciuta come SSD Caching, è una caratteristica introdotta da Intel sin dal chipset Z68 che permette di trasformare un SSD in cache per migliorare consistentemente le prestazioni di un comune hard disk meccanico, specialmente per tutto quello che riguarda il tempo di avvio di sistema operativo e applicazioni. L'SSD caching consente quindi di creare sistemi informatici ad alte prestazioni e con grandi capacità di archiviazione con una spesa esigua. Ovviamente nell'arco di questi due anni il prezzo degli SSD è sceso e molte aziende hanno sfornato controller dedicati su interfaccia PCI-Express che permettessero di sfruttare al meglio tale tecnologia su qualsiasi piattaforma, migliorando considerevolmente la velocità di trasferimento e i tempi di accesso degli hard disk. HighPoint è una di questa aziende ed oggi lo staff di Xtremehardware.com andrà a provare per voi il nuovissimo controller RocketCache 3240x8 su interfaccia PCI-Express 8x. Il RocketCache 3240x8 è in realtà un prodotto che mira a soddisfare le necessità degli utenti più esigenti, in termini di prestazioni ed affidabilità , permettendo configurazioni non possibili con le normali soluzioni di SSD Caching.
When I saw the External Module, I was a little perplexed, too. Is this some new mystery category of product never seen before, I thought? - In reality, ineo, a California based company, took two popular ideas, put them together and made everything as simple as possible.
We literally set this fire- and water-resistant external hard drive on fire. Will it survive? Check it out!
Das "Trio Infernal" ist also komplett, nach dem Test der Corsair Neutron GTX und der Samsung 840 Pro, geht der nächste Titelanwärter der heftig umworbenen SSD Performance Krone ins Test Rennen: die neue OCZ Vector SSDim Praxis Test. Diesmal ist der Indilinx Barefoot 3 Controller auch kein maskierter Fremdcontroller von Marvell, sondern entstammt tatsächlich den Schatullen von OCZ, die vor kurzem die südkoreanische Controllerschmiede Indilinx übernommen hatten. Mit dem Barefoot 3 möchte OCZ wieder den Boden gut machen, den sie mit den zeitweise recht holperig agierenden Sandforce Controllern verloren hatten, die bekanntermaßen so ihre Probleme aufweisen, wenn es um den Transfer von schlecht zu komprimierenden Daten geht und/oder die Transferraten nach einer gewissen Zeit stark einbrechen.
All dies soll also Schnee von gestern sein, OCZ kauft nicht mehr ein, OCZ produziert zumindest den Controller samt Firmware selbst und verspricht eine konstant hohe Performance in allen relevanten Transferbereichen ohne tendenzielle Einbrüche, einen möglichst niedrigen Stromverbrauch und darüber hinaus wird dieses Paket mit einer langen Garantiezeit von 5 Jahren garniert und auch nicht geknausert, wenn es um die Ausstattung geht. In abstrakten Zahlen bedeutet dies für den Verbraucher: Random 4K lesen: 100.000 IOPS, Random 4K schreiben: 95.000 IOPS, sowie lesen: 550MB/s und schreiben: 530MB/s, zumindest verkünden dies die Marketingprospekte von OCZ.
Die Botschaft hören wir wohl, allein es fehlt der Beweis, darum orderten wir kurzerhand ein 256 GB Gerät aus den Regalen von Caseking, die uns diesbezüglich sehr unkompliziert unterstützt haben. Insofern muss keiner das glauben, was irgendein golden Sample vorgaukelt, sondern der Endanwender wird in unserem Test sehen, was beim Händler tatsächlich im Regal liegt und genau darauf kommt es doch an oder? darum laden wir euch jetzt zu unserem neuesten SSD Review ein, dazu wünschen wir wieder viel Vergnügen...
The only SSD drives that are affordable to most end users are mearly 80GB SSDs which is pretty small and doesn’t leave much room for applications and/or games. There is a new option on the market provided by Seagate called Momentus XT which is a hybrid drive which has the storage of a SATA and SSD-like performance.
A few weeks ago we covered the Corsair Force Series GT drive, a performance tuned model based on Sandforce technology. Today we have the Force Series 3 drive on our test bench, a drive that aims to target a lower price point while still offering excellent performance.
Samsung are a major player in a very wide and varied number of fields … such as TVs and Smartphones. But, behind the consumer brand, they produce a wide range of components including memory and, more recently, solid state drives.
Kingston provides the SSDNow E100 as its enterprise offering with 32nm Toshiba eMLC Toggle NAND powered by the LSI SandForce SF-2582 controller. With an impressive set of enterprise features geared for the datacenter, we test the SSDNow E100 against the current top enterprise SSD's.
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