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Graphic cards
The ZOTAC GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost features two key improvements over the reference model; the first is this card utilizes their advanced Dual Silencer thermal solution and it also features improved performance out of the box via higher clock frequencies.
Graphic cards
Entwickler Nvidia hat im vergangenen Kalenderjahr fleißig das Kepler-Produktportfolio erweitert und die überarbeitete Architektur in allen Marktsegmenten, von Low-Entry- bis High-End-Grafikkarten, etabliert. Im unteren Leistungsbereich war die Abdeckung bislang allerdings noch lückenhaft, denn zwischen einer GeForce GTX 650 und einer GeForce GTX 660 ergaben sich verhältnismäßig große Performanceunterschiede. Diese Lücke hat Nvidia mit der Präsentation der GeForce GTX 650 Ti mittlerweile geschlossen und einen weiteren AMD-Gegenspieler auf den Markt gebracht. Die GTX 650 Ti basiert auf einer GK106-GPU, der Basis für die 660er Familie, und darf sich der Rechenpower von insgesamt 768 Shader-Einheiten erfreuen. Wie die weiteren technischen Daten aussehen und wie sich eine ZOTAC GeForce GTX 650 Ti AMP! Edition in der Praxis schlägt, lesen Sie in unserem ausführlichen Test!
Graphic cards
The Zotac GTX 590. It’s the Zotac revision of nVidia’s current monster dual chip card that no body is going to buy because it’s so expensive, more than you need blah blah blah. Despite that though, it’s always exciting to see what a GPU like this can do. It’s as fast and as powerful as you can get; let’s see it destroy out benchmark suite.
Graphic cards
In an attempt to tame the cards temperature from the 480's design, Nvidia have lost the heatpipe design that was in hindsight not fully up to the job and replaced this with a new vapour chamber designed heatsink. This along with a redesigned fan that is now around 5dB quieter, and that has also a quieter pitch than the squeaky fan of the 480. The new fan also pushes far more air in and through the heatsink in comparison to the old.
Graphic cards
Noch vor Weihnachten letzten Jahres präsentierte Zotac die GeForce GTX 580 AMP! Edition. Viele erwarteten eine ähnliche gute Karte wie dies der Vorgänger auf Basis der GeForce GTX 480 war. Doch Zotac veröffentlichte die GeForce GTX 580 AMP! Edition mit der Referenzkühlung und nur mäßiger Übertaktung. Gerade die fehlende alternative Kühlung sorgte für einen fehlenden Anreiz sich die Karte kaufen zu wollen. Gerne hätte man zum damaligen Zeitpunkt bereits die vom Vorgänger bekannte Zalman-Kühlung eingesetzt - nun ist es soweit. Die optimierte Zotac GeForce GTX AMP²! Edition muss zeigen, was in ihr steckt.
Graphic cards
Today we shall review three graphics cards from Zotac ranging from mid to high-end. This is also the first time we take a close look at GeForce GTX 460 SE.
Graphic cards
Zotac's Geforce GTX 570 does prove that is a direct competitor with any reference based HD 6970 at this given time. Through benchmarking and testing, both videocards won and lost during certain benchmarks and in the end, I can't and will not say one is better than the other. Regardless, Zotac's reference based version of the GTX 570 proved to be a great videocard and proved to work flawlessly right out of the box. The only hindrance would have to be the reference cooler which doesn't seem to be up to the task if you would like to overclock AND keeps things quiet and cool.
Graphic cards
Zotac hat von der GeForce GTX 570 nun eine schnellere AMP!-Version auf den Markt gebracht, die die Geschwindigkeit ein klein wenig angebt. Ist das „Upgrade“ sinnvoll? Das werden wir in diesem Kurztest herausfinden. Oder ist das Referenzdesign schlussendlich doch die bessere und zugleich günstigere Version?
Graphic cards
Today we will be taking a look at a mainstream graphics solution from Zotac, a GeForce GTX 560 Ti. Sure, this isn't the most powerful card on the market but the truth of the matter is I'm not a diehard gamer like many so a more powerful card would likely go to waste. When I build a system, I want something that is extremely fast in day to day use but graphics aren't a major concern. On paper, the Zotac card appears to be a good fit for this type of build and we will find out just how much power it packs shortly when paired with an enthusiast-class system.
Graphic cards
The GeForce GTX 560 is a strange GPU, in the sense that its manufacturer, NVIDIA, doesn't set default clock rates for it. Therefore, it is up to the video card manufacturer to decide which clocks to use. The GeForce GTX 560 Multiview from Zotac works internally at 820 MHz, accesses memory at 4 GHz through a 256-bit interface, and has its processing engines working at 1,640 MHz the same clock rates used on the standard GeForce GTX 560 Ti. The only difference between the two is the number of shader engines (336 vs. 384 on the Ti version). The Multiview model from Zotac allows you to connect up to three video monitors, a feature not available on regular models.
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