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Graphic cards
Buying a $400 graphics card is certainly not where the majority of people are when it comes to building their own systems. The fact is that the best selling video cards are still in that $100 and under price range. Today, we look at a card that falls into that category, the Gigabyte HD 5670. Read on to see how it compares to the NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT, which was a very popular card a couple years back!
Graphic cards
MSI are hitting us hard and fast with new models that have been standing out compared to the competition. No doubt this is the joys of working with both NVIDIA and ATI, though, because it seems that in the near future we'll get upgraded versions of the new GTX 400 series cards from the company, too.
Graphic cards
Zu unserem letzten Grafikkarten-Marktüberblick vom Dezember 2009 haben sich durch einige neu in den Markt gekommene ATI-Grafikkarten (Radeon HD 5570, 5670 und 5830) und natürlich die neuen nVidia-Grafikkarten (GeForce GTX 470/480) sowie einige ausgelaufene Modelle inzwischen reichlich Änderungen ergeben. Zudem hat der zuletzt klar gefallene Dollar/Euro-Kurs auch die Preise gerade der hochwertigen Modelle beeinflußt – diese werden inzwischen durchgehend etwas teurer angeboten als noch zum Jahreswechsel. Höchste Zeit also für einen neuen Grafikkarten-Marktüberblick, welcher – nachdem vorausschauend schon die neuen nVidia-Beschleuniger mit eingearbeitet wurden – vermutlich ein paar Wochen Bestand haben wird.
Graphic cards
I think it’s fairly common knowledge that the HD 5870 cards are powerful cards and HIS has upped the ante with its HD 5870 iCooler V Turbo 1GB model. Bumping up the factory clocks for both the core and memory and then throwing on their own efficient iCooler makes this HD 5870 card even more attractive. Bundled together with that is a copy of the hugely successful Modern Warfare 2 and you have another piece to tempt you.
Graphic cards
Over the last few weeks we've had a look at some awesome Turbo cards from HIS. The first we looked at was based on the bad boy of HD 5800 series, the HD 5870; then we had a look at the more budget orientated HD 5850 which has become a favorite to people who want to save some bucks, but still get some serious performance.
Graphic cards
Mit der Radeon HD 5870 Lightning hält MSI einen der interessantesten Vertreter der Art im eigenen Portfolio. Wie schlägt sich das neue Flaggschiff gegen das Referenzdesign? Das wollen wir in unserem Kurztest herausfinden, wobei neben den ATi-Karten natürlich auch der Vergleich zu einer GeForce GTX 480 nicht gescheut wird.
Graphic cards
NVIDIAs neue High-End Grafikkarte GeForce GTX 480 liegt von den ersten NVIDIA Partnern im Handel. Allerdings Stückweise und fast schon an einer Hand abzählbar. Wir stellen das aktuelle Flaggschiff im Referenzdesign von Zotac in diversen Benchmarks der Konkurrenz gegenüber und werfen ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die reale Leistungsaufnahme und der gebotenen Lautstärke. Wer von dieser Grafikkarte profitiert und wer sich das Geld lieber sparen sollte, steht im nachfolgenden Testbericht.
Graphic cards
The PowerColor PCS+ AX5870 1GBD5-PPDHG2 graphics card is one of several new HD 5800-series video cards released by ATI AIB partners in the last couple months that follow a new design pattern. Advances in power-semiconductor packaging have allowed for a simpler VRM implementation that consumes much less real estate on the board. At the same time, the use of a down-flow HSF arrangement eliminates the dead spots found below and behind the blower wheel on the reference design. The combination makes for a smaller, more efficient, and more reliable card that's less costly to produce. I call that progress, but there are others who bemoan the process of removing cost from a design. I can understand the angst if functions and features are being removed, but finding a cheaper way to deliver the same performance is a good thing. Benchmark Reviews has tested some ATI Radeon HD 5870 video cards already, so the performance and features of the GPU are hardly n! ews, but we thought it was time to sample one of the new 2nd generation cards and see how the design has matured. Please follow along as we give you a detailed look at one of the latest high-end Radeons from PowerColor.
Graphic cards
When the NDA was lifted on the Eyefinity6 version of the HD 5870 we had a good look of it here. The problem we ran into, though, was the lack of any active adapter. What this meant was we weren't able to test the model as we normally would. Instead we had a look at it at 5760 x 1200 to see just how it performed.
Graphic cards
Mit der Radeon HD 5870 PCS+ versucht PowerColor gleich an allen Fronten bei Gamern zu punkten. Übertaktet, leise und schnell, so heißt die Devise. Geht die Rechnung auf?
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