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Graphic cards
Earlier in the week we took a look at AMD (and Sapphires) new midrange DirectX 11 GPU and commented at the time that the refresh of lower end parts from 5000 to 6000 series was taking some time. The 6790 filled the gap in the 6000 series at around £110 which left the sub £100 mark to populate and today we get a taste of one model that AMD has to offer in that area with a look at the 6450 which will hit retail in a couple of weeks time.
Graphic cards
The mid-range market is really heating up and one of the best things about these mid-range cards is that companies get the chance to attack the models instantly unlike higher end models such as the new Dual GPU offerings from both NVIDIA and AMD.
Graphic cards
Evergreen macht seinem Namen alle Ehre: Mit der Xtreme-Reihe haucht Sapphire der Radeon-HD-5800-Serie neues Leben ein. Nur 110 Euro für eine Radeon HD 5850 - wo ist der Haken? PC Games Hardware unterzieht die Karte einem Kurztest.
Graphic cards
Mit der Radeon 6670 Fan 1GB GDDR5 bringt die in Hongkong ansässige Grafikschmiede HIS eine Grafikkarte auf den Markt, welche auf AMDs aktuellen Budget-Chip "Turks" setzt. Dank der geringen Abwärme bei gleichzeitig umfangreichen Multimedia-Features, annehmbarer Leistung sowie des kurzen PCBs sind die auf Turks basierenden Grafikkarten sehr gut für HTPC-Anwender oder Gelegenheitsspieler geeignet. HIS bietet bei diesem 3D-Beschleuniger eine eigene Kreation und verbaut im Gegensatz zum Referenzdesign einen speziellen Kühler, der, wie die Karte, sein Können in diesem Test unter Beweis stellen muss. In diesem Artikel wollen wir herausfinden, wie sich die Grafikkarte mit der stärksten Turks-GPU im Vergleich mit anderen Karten schlägt und ob sie dabei so leise bleibt wie seitens des Herstellers suggeriert wird.
Graphic cards
Picking a video card in today's age is a tough decision, amongst all the choices of not only manufacturers, but also models. Sapphire has proven to fellow reviewers and me to be a name that can be not only be trusted in terms of support and customer service, but depended upon when it comes the newest technology available.
Graphic cards
If you didn't think the MSI could make a GTX 580 more exciting than the Lightning version, you're wrong! As Computex begins to get up and running, MSI is kicking the show off with the brand new MSI GTX 580 Lightning Xtreme Edition; because the Lightning wasn't already Xtreme enough?!?! So, what's so Xtreme about the Xtreme Edition? Well, it's everything you love about the MSI GTX 580 Lightning, but with double the memory. The thing is, to be completely honest, I'm not the biggest fan when it comes to these huge memory cards because they do tend to carry a decent bump in price, but extra performance tends to be limited.
Graphic cards
The general rule of thumb when it comes to models like the HD 6670 is that we look at one or two at launch and then we don't worry about it. These low to mid-range models from both NVIDIA and AMD are indeed important, but for the most part companies don't tend to mix it up too much.
Graphic cards
When Asus put time and effort into creating a modified, custom cooled graphics card the world sits up and takes notice, especially when it is based around Nvidia’s stunning GTX 580. Today we are looking at the new GTX 580 Matrix Platinum 1.5GB, which gets the special Republic Of Gamers treatment.
Graphic cards
Video cards have actually been really quiet lately. The fact that both AMD and NVIDIA have had the current crop of models out for a while means that most companies have exhausted ways to make them stand out from the pack. Still, with that being said, it's not dead completely. So today we're looking at a HD 6770 from the peeps over at HIS. The HD 6770 is a great mid-range model, but we haven't seen companies do heaps with it. It's also one of the more recent VGA releases, so that could have a bit to do with it as well."
Graphic cards
There certainly haven’t been many exciting video cards released in the last couple of months, but today we are looking at the new Sapphire HD 6950 Toxic Edition 2GB which is supplied in a pre-overclocked state with a custom design. Is this an ideal upgrade for your next system?
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