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Graphic cards
The GTX 295 is, like ATI's HD 4870 X2, two cards in one. It has two GPUs, connected by an onboard PCI-Express bridge, in SLI fashion. The GPUs are modified GTX 260s, architecturally identical, clocked at the same frequencies, although slightly-cut improved memory bandwidth (the GPUs of the 295 have 589-bit memory interfaces unlike the 260-216s with 448-bit interfaces). So there are two questions I have about this card: is it worth the price hike over two GTX 260s, and who is this card tailored for?
Graphic cards
die Dual-GPU-Karte GeForce GTX 295 hat ein „Facelift“ erhalten: Nur noch ein anstatt gleich zwei PCBs ziert die Karte. Wie schlägt sich die neue Version in der Praxis? Um dies herauszufinden, haben wir ein Exemplar von Zotac in unser Testlabor eingeladen und untersuchen, inwieweit der Kunde Vorteile durch die Version „2.0“ hat.
Graphic cards
Nach GeForce GTX 470 und GeForce GTX 480 schickt sich Zotac an, auch die GeForce GTX 460 im Rahmen der AMP!-Reihe gehörig aufzupolieren. Die Grafikkarte kommt mit einem 1.024 MB großen Speicher in den Handel, bietet ein anderes Kühlsystem und deutlich höhere Taktraten. Wir testen die Frischzellenkur.
Graphic cards
Today Zotac are releasing their "AMP! Edition" of the GTX 460 and hope that its redesigned cooler and enhanced specifications will appeal to enthusiasts on a budget. Today we take a look at that card and find out in a selection of real world tests how it compares to the standard GTX 460 as well as a couple of Radeons in the same price range. Games covered include Mafia 2, Lost Planet 2 and StarCraft 2 with the usual mix of 3D Blu-Ray and GPU computing tests.
Graphic cards
To tie in with Computex 2010 Nvidia is today launching the GTX 465 which brings the same GF100 architecture and features which were present in the GTX 480 and 470 to a new price point, sub $300/£255. We will be running the new card through a number of real world tests including DX 9/10/11 gaming, 3D Vision, PhysX, CUDA and 3D movie playback to establish how it fits into the current marketplace; including comparisons with cards such as the GTX 285, 470 and Radeon 5000 series.
Graphic cards
Nach einer langen Wartezeit von immerhin einem ganzen halben Jahr nach ATI hat nVidia mit dem GF100-Chip und den daraus resultierenden Grafikkarten GeForce GTX 470 und 480 nun endlich auch ins DirectX11-Zeitalter gefunden. Wir haben jene GF100-basierten Modelle seitens Zotac gegen eine Radeon HD 5870 von Sapphire gestellt, um unter 15 Spieletests inklusive einiger zusätzlicher Tests (so unter anderem auch unter Supersampling Anti-Aliasing ATI vs. nVidia) uns der Frage zu nähern, wer derzeit das beste Angebot im HighEnd-Segment hat.
Graphic cards
Today we shall review Zotac GeForce GTX 480 1536MB and Zotac GeForce GTX 470 1280MB graphics cards, though we'll focus more on the latter which is going to be far more interesting to customers thanks to its more affordable price.
Graphic cards
Das Referenzdesign der GeForce GTX 470 ist schnell... und sehr warm und sehr laut. Schafft es Zotac mit der GeForce GTX 470 AMP! diese Mankos zu beseitigen? Wir testen die Karte in unserem Labor auf Herz und Niere um genau dieser Frage im Detail nachzugehen und am Ende des Tages eine klar Antwort geben zu können.
Graphic cards
NVIDIA's GF100 graphic processor may be late to the game but the wait may have been worthwhile. Complete with 448 CUDA cores and a 320-bit GDDR5 memory sub-system, the GTX 470 packs quite the punch to do battle with AMD's HD 5870. Click through to see how the GTX 470 handles the competition along with how well it scales through overclocking.
Graphic cards
Zotac GeForce GTX 480 AMP is simply an excellent high-end product. Firstly, factory overclocking make it almost an absolute performance leader. Secondly, its cooler offers outstanding performance and makes no noise.
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