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Graphic cards
Graphic cards
AMD has leap-frogged NVIDIA by launching the DirectX 11 compatible Radeon HD 5870 video card. Armed with 1600 shader cores, the 40nm Cypress GPU claims to push video game frame rates well-beyond what NVIDIA offers from their GeForce GTX 285 counterpart. While the list of DirectX 11 video games has just started to grow, with one of the first being a free Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) named Battle Forge. Perhaps ATI has created the perfect storm for their Radeon HD 5800-series by offering a price-competitive graphics card with several free games included or available. While NVIDIA toils away with CUDA and PhysX, ATI is busy delivering the next generation of hardware for the gaming community to enjoy. In this article, Benchmark Reviews compares the Sapphire Radeon HD 5870 video card, model 21161-00-50R, against a cross-section of modern graphics accelerators.
Graphic cards
We see how an AMD Radeon R9 290X compares against the dual-GPU R9 295X2 on an AMD FX-9590 CPU
Graphic cards
Zu laut, zu heiß, zu viel Stromhunger, zu teuer waren die ersten Schlagwörter der Presse bei der Einführung der NVIDIA GTX 480. Allerdings unangefochten schnell. Zotac machte sich an die Arbeit, um einige der Kritikpunkte auszubügeln. Zusätzlich spendierte man der AMP! Edition, wie üblich, eine Performancesteigerung. Wie sich die GTX 480 AMP! Edition auf unserem Testsystem schlägt, zeigt der nachstehende Testbericht.
Graphic cards
We are looking at a high-end Radeon HD card from AMD. It's their AMD Radeon HD 7990 6GB
with two Tahiti chip. Will this monster outperform all other Graphics Cards?
Graphic cards
With Christmas just around the corner, what better time to treat yourself to a new graphics card? Time to put that old card to pasture and invest in a new GTX980 ti. If you fancy something really fast and expensive then the mouth watering Asus Republic Of Gamers GTX980 Ti Platinum Edition might sate your appetite. As we would expect from an Asus flagship solution, the Matrix Platinum is a complete ‘no-compromise’ design.
Graphic cards
With the 7970 now 9 months old, Sapphire give it a refresh to bring it back in line with the competition with the Vapor-X 6GB version.
Graphic cards
Oggi vi proponiamo una recensione diversa dal solito, infatti non analizzeremo la AMD Radeon R7 260 confrontandola con tutte le nostre VGA come al solito, ma la metteremo a diretto confronto con la sua rivale la Nvidia GTX 650 Ti, situata sulla stessa fascia di prezzo. Se avete riletto più volte il titolo pensando che ci fosse un errore sul nome della scheda AMD, bè dobbiamo dirvi che è corretto: AMD ha infatti lanciato un altro modello R7, piazzandola esattamente tra la R7 250 e la R7 260X. Come vedremo la R7 260 si contraddistingue da quest’ultima sotto molti aspetti.
Graphic cards
We all love to play games! It is likely your dream graphics card will be either a GTX 780 Ti or R9 290X. Not fast enough for you? – then how about AMD’s R9 295X2 or Nvidia’s Titan Z? Be prepared to dig deep into your bank account at £1,100 and £2,300 respectively … yes, it really is enough to make grown men cry. Back in the real world – and if recent correspondence with our readers is anything to go by then many of you wanted to see which hardware offers a better gaming experience under the £200 ‘sweetspot’ – an R9 280 or a GTX760. So with this in mind we went shopping online.
Graphic cards
Scheinbar immer, wenn eine Grafikkarten-Generation lange und erfolgreich im Markt unterwegs ist und sich dann deren Ablösung durch eine generell neue Technologie oder/und Fertigungsgröße ankündigt, kommt es zu vielfältigen Angeboten an abgespeckten Modellen – sei es, weil die Hersteller durch die lange Lebensdauer dieser Generation viel Zeit zum Austüfteln von Sondermodellen haben, sei es, weil die vielen produzierten Chips vor dem Eintreffen der neuen Generation noch schnellstmöglich unter das Volk gebracht werden müssen. Im Jahre 2008 gab es jedenfalls eine ähnliche Situation, zwei entsprechende Artikel (No.1 & No.2) zeugen hiervon.
Graphic cards
We've seen the performance that a single Radeon HD 7750 can offer up to the everyday user, but how would a pair of cards fair in comparison to other options available on the market?
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