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Graphic cards
With the launch of the 900 series of cards MSI also launched their new Twin Frozr V cooling. Sadly up until now we haven’t had the chance to actually check out one. With the GTX 960 launch setting down MSI sent over their GTX 960 Gaming 2G for us to check out. This gives us a great chance to see what their new cooling is capable of and to be able to compare it to some of the competition. My expectations are high because MSI has done a great job on the cooling front for a long time now. So let’s put the GTX 960 Gaming 2G to the test and see how it performs.
Graphic cards
We step away from the new R Series video cards from AMD for a moment and check out the GTX 780 Lightning from MSI.
Graphic cards
Today we are looking at a highly modified Nvidia GTX 570 solution from MSI, featuring an uprated power configuration, voltage adjustment and a dual fan Twin Frozr III cooler. Not only has the card been modified from the ground up for ultimate performance, but MSI have included new Propeller Blade fans to enhance airflow by 20 percent. MSI claim that these fans reduce GPU temperature by 18c and fan noise by 7.7 dBa when compared against the reference solution.
Graphic cards
Product refreshes tend to happen in stages, typically this is done to help keep the new products fresh but also allows the engineers time to refine their designs and target potential customers. The famed nVidia 500 series is getting a new mid-range GPU added to the lineup called the GTX 550 Ti.
Graphic cards
Mittlerweile gibt es erste GeForce-GTX-580-Karten, die nicht mehr auf den Referenzkühler sondern auf ein eigenes Design setzen. Sie sollen vorallem eins sein: leiser. Um diese Versprechen zu überprüfen, haben wir uns eine MSI-Karte mit dem Twin-Frozr-II-Kühler und die Gainward GeForce GTX 580 Phantom mit gleich drei Gigabyte Speicher ins Testlabor eingeladen.
Graphic cards
In unserem letzten Test durften wir AMDs kleinste Karte, die Radeon HD 4350, unter die Lupe nehmen. Zwar soll die Radeon HD 4350 bevorzugt den Office- und HTPC-Markt abdecken, nichtsdestotrotz musste die uns vorliegenden ASUS EAH 4350 Silent auch aktuelle Spiele über sich ergehen lassen und schnitt, so hatten wir es auch erwartet, eher schlecht ab. Selbst unter OC-Bedingungen gelang es der Karte eher selten anständige Fps auf den Bildschirm zu zaubern, sodass wir in diesem Test einen eher ungewöhnlichen Weg zur Leistungssteigerung gehen. Wenn das konventionelle Overclocking an die Grenzen stößt und der Karte dadurch nicht mehr Leistung zu entlocken ist, dann muss eben per Volt-Mod nachgeholfen werden. Neben der Modifizierung selbst wurde auch die Kühlung von uns geändert, hier galt es dem möglichen Durchbrennen diverser Bauteile vorzubeugen. Unser Ziel ist damit klar definiert, erhoffen wir uns von den Maßnahmen eine gesteigerte Framerate in Spielen.
Graphic cards
It almost feels like we have been seeing the 600 series of cards from Nvidia for a few years now. At a year and two months we are a little past due to see a new generation of cards and today we can finally take the wraps off of NVidia’s latest card, the GTX 780. Rumors have been going around for a while on this launch so let’s just jump right into it and see what it’s all about and then how it performs. One thing is for sure, this will be the start of a lot of exciting cards, and 2013 is going to be a good year!
Graphic cards
GeForce GTX 460 competes well with both the older Radeon HD 5830 and the newer Radeon HD 6850. For example, Manli GeForce GTX460OC has a highly efficient cooler and is factory overclocked to 800 MHz. It even works fine at 850 MHz core clock rate.
Graphic cards
GeForce GT 240 is one of the mainstream video processors from NVIDIA and today we are going to review NGT240-512QI-F, which is a video card from ECS based on this chip with 512 MB GDDR5 running at stock clock settings and coming with a GPU cooler from Arctic Cooling.
Graphic cards
Our third AMD Radeon R9 390X video card is from HIS, where we can confidently say it's the most unique looking 390X we've seen so far. Let's take a look.
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