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Auch wenn die Z170 Mainboards voll im durchstarten sind, verlieren ältere Z97 Boards nicht an Interesse. Gerade im Gegenteil, die Preise für die älteren Boards sind so niedrig, dass man da nicht widerstehen kann. Wir haben wieder ein Schwarz/Weiß Projekt am Laufen und haben dafür ein passendes Mainboard gesucht. Da gibt es leider nicht so viel Auswahl. Doch eines haben wir gefunden, das MSI Z97S SLI Krait Edition.
This motherboard has a successful classic design -- it can accommodate a graphics card of any dimensions without hampering other devices or blocking three PCI slots. Owners of PCI devices must be pleased, because this board does not have any connectors behind the outermost PCI slot (for brackets with USB, etc).
Manufacturers are fighting for the AMD motherboards market that is expected to grow with the expansion of Phenom II. On this occasion Gigabyte spared no copper and implemented a very interesting idea that added to the list of Ultra Durable options. These traditionally include power circuitry features and cooling. Let's see how the upgraded product differs from the previously tested Gigabyte MA790GP-DS4H.
A new proposal from Foxconn for high overclocking performance comes with the Bloodrage GTI series. The price is good, the performance also very good and some minor issues kept us from giving editors choice award.
As DDR3 pokes its ugly expensive head into the AMD world. Jetway decided to make the transition from AM2 to AM3 as pleasant as possible. The MA3-79GDG Combo Motherboard gives you the ability to use the cheaper DDR2 variant or more expensive DDR3 with the latest AM2+ and AM3 processors. This includes the new Phenom II X4 chips, which we will be testing this board with today.
MSI are a big brand when it comes to motherboards and they've received world wide regard for their P35 motherboards. Since then, not everything has gone their way, though, with some critics disappointed with their P45 range in part down to the BIOS configuration.
Let's now take a look on the most high-end socket 1156 motherboard available from Intel, based on their new P55 chipset.
The P55-GD65 is one MSI's P55 Express chipset based motherboards that can be used with Intel's newest LGA1156 'Lynnfield' processors and is part of MSI's Gaming series motherboards. The board features Overclocking Genie technology, DrMOS and APS technology, which is still the only OS independent power saver on the market. Read on to see how it does!
Mini-ITX Mainboards mit Intel Atom Prozessor sind mittlerweile keine Seltenheit mehr, doch sind diese meistens mit Intels integrierter GMA 950 Grafikeinheit ausgestattet. Der Hersteller Zotac präsentiert jetzt eine Reihe von Intel Atom Mainboards auf Basis des Nvidia Ion Chipsatzes. Dieser besitzt eine schnellere Grafikeinheit und arbeitet mit verschiedenen Prozessoren zusammen, im Falle des ZOTAC ION ITX-F ist es der Dual-Core Atom 330 mit 1,6 GHz.
L'USB 3.0 et le S-ATA 6 Gbps arrivent au sein des cartes mères. Asus et Gigabyte ont en effet récemment annoncé leurs modèles qui arrivent sur le marché français.
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