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Edifier ist bekannt für gewagte Design-Formen und auch das heute vorgestellte Luna Eclipse Soundsystem möchte sich nicht, zumindest optisch, verstecken. Wieso Edifier den Namen von der römischen Mondgöttin und einer Sonnenfinsternis herleitet, ist wohl nur dem Marketing bekannt, passt aber zur extravaganten Optik der Lautsprecher. Ob das Edifier Luna Eclipse Soundsystem nur ein optischer Blender ist oder die Sound-Kulisse, wie das Erscheinungsbild, den Anwender erstaunen lässt, klärt der nachfolgende Testbericht.
Built like a $200 headset, this mid-range headset offering allows you to game on over multiple formats, including PC and console. Here's our review.
A $40 Bluetooth speaker that allows you to talk and play tunes? We gave in an in-depth audio analysis to see how it performs in the real world.
Mit dem neuen QPAD QH-90 High-End-Headset versucht QPAD sich nun auch im mittleren bis oberen Preissegment und will somit gegen bekannte Platzhirschen wie Sennheiser, Creative oder Logitech antreten. Ob dies dem Unternehmen mit schwedischen Wurzeln sowie dem 100 Euro teuren QH-90 Headset gelingt, klären wir im nachfolgenden Testbericht und erörtern die Stärken und Schwächen des Kopfhörers.
That pair of headphones my friends, is the Razer Kraken Forged Edition. Handcrafted in the deep, dark depths of… China, constructed of aircraft grade aluminum, and tuned by Razer’s finest sound engineers, the Kraken is Razer’s first and most daring leap into the enthusiast audio market and luckily, we were given the opportunity to be one of the first to review....
A poco più di un mese di distanza dall’annuncio apparso nello scorso mese di dicembre da parte dell’importatore ufficiale e ripreso sul nostro portale qui, oggi potrete leggere la prova dell’ultimo kit della Empire della serie Digital KS-3500D, che come in passato, passando dalle pluri apprezzate PS-2120D, fanno della loro versatilità e del rapporto qualità prezzo il cavallo di battaglia con il plus degli ingressi digitali.
Der Markt lässt es nicht gerne zu, das ein Bedürfniss nicht befriedigt wird. Deswegen bringt Creative eine weitere externe USB Soundlösung auf den Markt. Die Sound Blaster Omni 5.1 ist vor allem für Notebookuser einen Blick wert, denn diese müssen sich leider in der Regel mit dem all zu oft verbauten On-Board-Sound zufriedenstellen. Damit das Ganze am Ende auch noch All-Round tauglich wird, spendierte Creative dem kleinen Wunderkind noch ein integriertes Stereo-Mikrofon sowie eine Fernbedienung. Ob die externe Sound-Lösung genug Überzeugungskraft hat um auch im Alltag punkten zu können, klären wir im folgenden Testbericht.
Diesen Test widmen wir dem Beyerdynamic T 90, dem neuesten Modell der Heilbronner Kopfhörerschmiede. Er ist dabei der erste offene Kopfhörer, der über die sogenannte Tesla-Technologie verfügt. Für einen stolzen Preis von circa 500 Euro soll er mit einem zugleich analytischen aber auch warmen Klangeindruck um die Gunst der Musikfans werben.
Today we take a look at a brand that is somewhat new to us here at eTeknix. While yes we have heard of Attitude One, we’ve even seen their products at various trade shows and online, but we’ve never had the chance to get hands on with their products and try them for our selves and the Tunguska Virtual 7.1 Surround Sound Headset is hopefully just the first product of their range that we will be taking a look at.
I’ve heard good things about A1 from industry types and general consumers too, this got our attention and it’s great to see a new name in the office. While I can’t say I’m bored with the offerings from the other big names in the industry, it certainly never hurts to have more options available to you, especially from a consumer perspective.
As always, we will be looking for a good level of design, build quality, performance and value from this headset and with a price tag of around £60the Tunguska are certainly set to be competitive and if the performance matches the feature list, then we could in for a real treat here, so let’s get straight to the good stuff and see just what this headset has to offer.
Turtle Beach are a brand that need almost no introduction to the gaming community, love them or hate them you cannot deny that they are a popular brand with a rock solid fan base. I personally haven’t dealt with too many Turtle Beach products in my time, but for the ones I have been fortunate to test I have been more than impressed and I’m hoping to see something similar here today.
For those of you who read our reviews regularly you will know it wasn’t long ago that we reviewed the luxurious and expensive XP Seven headset, the flagship Turtle Beach headset and it just so happens to be the effective big brother of the headset we are looking at today, both of which are MLG branded and aimed right at the heart of the eSports community.
Of course with the XP Seven being over £200 at retail, the headset can be more than out of reach for many gamers and consumers, the PX22 however are a much more modest £69.99 and while that is still a big investment for many it’s a snip compared to the flagship model. However, we are keen to see what the PX22 have to offer, so let’s get stuck straight into the good stuff and see what Turtle Beach have to offer.
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