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Technic3D schaut (hört) sich den Nachfolger des PC 350 Headset von Sennheiser genauer an, das PC 360 "G4ME". Wie sich das aktuelle High-End Headset in Games, Film sowie Musiktiteln gibt,steht im folgendenTestbericht.
Dernièrement, nous vous avons présenté en long, en large, et en profondeur un casque allemand, le GHS-1 d’AKG. Aujourd’hui, nous allons à nouveau parler d’un casque allemand. Le fabricant de celui-ci n’a pas non plus de leçon à recevoir, puisqu'il s’agit de Beyerdynamic. Lui aussi existe depuis la nuit des temps ou pas loin, 1924. En gros, il a plus d’une vie d’expérience. Nous nous devons de vous avertir, c’est bien la moindre des choses. Le casque testé aujourd’hui, le MMX300, est proche, s’il n’est pas, de la perfection. Le fait de vous donner cette information de suite risque de couper net la lecture, toutefois, étant donné les faits, il est préférable d’être honnête avec vous de façon à ce que vous ne vous demandiez pas si nous n’avons pas des actions chez ce fabricant ! Non, nous n’en avons pas, ce qui est bien dommage d’ailleurs. Partons pour un tour dans le vrai, le pur son.
Corsair will mit zwei Lautsprechersets in einen heiß umkämpften Markt vorstoßen. Damit man sich von der Masse abhebt, macht der Hersteller vieles anders. Neben einem eigenwilligen Design soll auch durchdachte Technik dafür sorgen, dass das SP2500 und das SP2200 eigenständig in einem gut bestückten Markt wirken. Was glückt, was misslingt?
Wem nützt die beste Hardware etwas, wenn der passende audiophile Gegenpart dazu fehlt. Vielen Anwendern steht an dieser Stelle aber das preisbewusste handeln auf der Stirn geschrieben und dementsprechend fällt die Investition bei Lautsprechern weniger hoch aus. Lange Zeit blieb diese Nische von den Herstellern ungenutzt und wurde wenig Beachtung geschenkt. Schaut man sich die Angebote in dem PC-Stereo Bereich an, wird deutlich, dass es zwar viel gibt, aber diese kaum die gewünschte klangliche Qualität abgeliefert wird. Diesen Punkt will nun der Berliner Lautsprecher Anbieter Teufel nutzen und mit einem vollaktiven PC-Stereo-Set auf Kundenfang gehen. Mit dem Concept B 20 wird ein leistungsfähiges Stereo-Set für preisbewusste Anwender präsentiert. Wie sich die Lautsprecher im Praxistest schlugen, klärt der nachfolgende Testbericht.
The prospect of wiring surround or multi-zone loudspeakers is often fraught with difficulty and may be a job best left to someone who can open up walls, fish speaker wire and install a wallplate with wire terminals. Instead of hiring a costly contractor or spending several hours and dollars in parts, Aperion Audio presents the Zona Wireless Speaker System which promises to lift the burden of wires from us. After our positive experience with Aperion Audio’s Intimus 4T speakers, our interest in Aperion Audio’s wireless solution was piqued.
The Microlab H21 2.1 is one of Microlab’s latest sound products available in its growing arsenal of sound systems. The H21 2.1 is within Microlab’s Bluetooth catalogue range and comes in a variety of colours which are all tanned and enclose the inner-subs.
We take a look at the Libratone Lounge wireless speaker - with a large price tag and a simple design, is it really all that?
In this HD world we live in, having the latest and greatest display in which to fully enjoy this media has become the norm. With every release of a new device, it seems the display is the biggest improvement, with higher resolutions and more pixels per inch being the specs that consumers cling to when deciding one versus another. With such an emphasis on visuals, we can’t afford to overlook the need for high quality speakers to fully enjoy the experience. There are numerous choices out there, and most are X.1 setups. This is generally some number (i.e. X) of satellite speakers and a subwoofer (aka .1). The traditional 2.0 (no separate subwoofer) market has historically been saturated with “cheap” speakers…unfortunately that hasn’t changed much with the emphasis on X.1 setups. So can a 2.0 speaker system cut it in today’s market where so much emphasis is being placed on getting the most out of the HD media and high quality audio that is so readily available these days? Palo Alto seems to think so, and with their Cubik speakers they are here to try and dispel multiple myths. Essentially, bigger isn’t always better, and more speakers does not mean better sound.
I’m sure when you hear the name Antec you think of cases and power supplies, I know I do. Well Antec has a new division called Antec Mobile Products (A.M.P.) which creates unique products for your mobile devices. Today we are taking a look at their flagship product the SP1 which is a Bluetooth speaker that allows you to take phone calls as well. Antec is not new to audio products as their Soundscience Rockus speakers were a huge hit in 2011. Can their new AMP SP1 Bluetooth speaker compete against all of the other Bluetooth speakers out there? Read on as we take a look…
February 2013 was supposed to be a very important month for me and the rest of the staff since during this month not one but two very special game titles were scheduled for release, first the Dragonborn DLC add-on for The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim and the long awaited Aliens Colonial Marines which as the title suggests was made after one of the best sci-fi/thriller movies of all time, Aliens. Unfortunately although the Dragonborn DLC proved to be worthy of our enthusiasm i can't really say the same about Aliens Colonial Marines since after having played with it for almost 6 hours straight it left us with a bitter taste (mostly due to gameplay and graphics). Had Sega released the game 3 years ago there's a good chance that we would all be astonished by it and sucked into the storyline, however this is 2013 and releasing a game with 2010 graphics is simply not the way to go, especially when you are releasing a sci-fi game with plenty of visual effects (although we did enjoy the Weyland-Yutani Corporation twist). Still both the Dragonborn DLC and the Aliens Colonial Marines came at just the right moment in time since almost 10 days ago we started testing of the latest F.R.E.Q.5 Red stereo headset by Mad Catz.
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