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The Fan Controller Touch from LAMPTRON is a nice looking device and allows easy navigation through its touch screen interface, to be able to control the connected fan speeds or see the temperature for each separate channel.
The STRIKE FX-6 PS3 Controller from SPEEDLINK operates on Bluetooth (so no extra dongles are needed), and comes with some slight modifications compared to the product from Sony: modified shape for better ergonomics, an On/Off button for saving battery power, Rapid Fire function, modified triggers to avoid slipping or anti-slip surfaces on the controller laterals.
Eine Anekdote zu Blu-Ray, HDTV, 3D und warum es heute nicht mehr so einfach ist, einfach mal nur schnell einen Film am PC anzuschauen.
The AMP3 has a lot to improve on in terms of user interface, but I think Hisoundaudio hit a sweet spot in terms of balancing size and sound quality. Long battery life, high quality earphones, high end FM tuner, and an expandable microSD slot makes the AMP3 well worth the low price. The AMP3 is also worth its weight in being a portable amplifier for efficient headphones. With such a nice sound signature coming out of the AMP3, many music enthusiasts could overlook the interface flaws and enjoy the clear, detailed sound coming out of this player.
Interested in getting a fully featured security system but don't want to pay over $300 for it? If so, then WiLife's Digital Video Security System might be worth a look. Join Nitro as he looks at the three available cameras for the complete security system from Logitechs WiLife.
The thermal paste market is very vast with many different companies having their own brand or brands; plural. Despite not making as much temperature difference as upgrading a cooler, thermal grease is an integral part of any computer system in supporting the main cooling for your CPU and GPU. A good paste will not only give great temperature readings but will also be easy to spread and clean off as well as being cost effective. The latest contender to enter the fray is the Tuniq TX-3 which follows on from their similarly named TX-2; let’s see what is can do.
Radiatoren sind ein Kernelement einer jeder Wasserkühlung, je besser diese die Wärme an die Luft abgeben, desto kühler sind die Komponenten. Neben dem Radiator selbst beeinflussen zudem auch die eingesetzten Lüfter die Temperatur. Zuletzt auch Shrouds oder auf deutsch Lüftervorkammern versprechen eine Steigerung der Kühlleistung eines Radiators. Wir haben uns zwei ganz unterschiedliche Shrouds von Phobya sowie Thermochill zum Test besorgt. Was Shrouds wirklich bringen und welche Unterschiede es zwischen diesen gibt, klären wir in diesem Artikel.
Der Begriff GPGPU (General Purpose GPU) Computing - also allgemeine Aufgaben vom Grafikchip statt vom Hauptprozessor berechnen zu lassen - taucht seit einiger Zeit immer häufiger auf, sobald es um Grafikkarten geht, auch hier auf Planet 3DNow! Versprochen werden von den Herstellern Leistungssteigerungen um bis zum Faktor 10. Wir zeigen heute auf Planet 3DNow! was GPGPU-Computing eigentlich ist, wie es funktioniert und worauf man als Programmierer achten muss. Dabei ist es uns gelungen, den vermutlich besten Mann für diese Aufgabe zu gewinnen, der momentan verfügbar ist: Gipsel, der bereits vor einigen Monaten in Eigenregie einen GPU-Client für das Distributed Computing Projekt Milkyway@home entwickelt hat. Der Artikel enthält sowohl grundlegende Betrachtungen für Einsteiger, wie auch detaillierte Struktur- und Codebetrachtungen, sodass sich auch fortgeschrittene CPU-Programmierer vermutlich nicht langweilen dürften.
The Playon!HD Mini 2 Full HD Network Media Streamer from AC Ryan has a pretty small footprint and is able to stream multimedia content (videos, photos, music) right from our network; in case we have attached to it an USB Flash Drive or external HDD, we can play back the multimedia contents locally. The device can be also connected wirelessly to the network via an accessory sold separately.
Over the past couple of years we have tested our fair share of ASRock nettop systems. You may remember them as they have developed over time. The small black or white rectangle boxes with loads of goodies packed inside a small box. We started with the ION 330 which was more or less a basic system with the home theater capability, then we moved onto the ION 330HT which was designed more for the home theater user in mind and then this year the Core 100HT-BD which again saw new HTPC improvements and faster performance.
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