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Streaming HD Video across the house? Gaming? Have a Huge house and 802.11g just won't due? Come see if this 450Mbps router from TRENDnet is worth your time.
On PC, it’s pretty easy to record footage of your games. Whether you’re using streaming software like XSplit or recording directly to your hard drive with Fraps, getting your gameplay out there is fairly well understood.
For consoles, it’s much harder – with a locked down environment devoid of third party applications, you can’t just download a program off the ‘net and start recording. Instead, you’ll need some physical hardware to do the job.
Enter the Hauppage HD PVR 2 Gaming Edition. This small cuboid is designed to make recording and even streaming your gameplay incredibly simple – just hook up a few wires and, if the back of the box is to be believed, you’ll be away.
In this review, we’ll put that to the test as we enter the exciting world of console recording and streaming!
Mit der Vorstellung des iPad hat Apple die lange schwelenden Gerüchte bestätigt. Das Echo auf die Präsentation fällt jedoch verhalten aus. Eine berechtigte Reaktion? Nach dem großen Hype um das Tablet versuchen wir uns an einer Analyse der Gegebenheiten. Dabei soll geklärt werden, welches Ziel Apple mit dem iPad verfolgt.
For many mobile users, note-taking apps and services are an indispensable tool to keep track of their schedule and tasks. In fact, Apple mobile users have long been enjoying the built-in Note feature on their devices for creating basic to-do list, while others refer to Evernote and Workflowy for more elaborate note-taking tasks. Fortunately, Google is jumping into the bandwagon. With what appears as a long overdue reply to Evernote and Apple’s built-in Note feature, Google has just unveiled its own note-taking service app called Keep, giving Android phone users a faster way to make and save reminders and notes.
Today we are going to take an in-depth look at one of the most iconic computers of all times, the very first Macintosh, released in 1984. It was renamed to Macintosh 128K in September 1984, as a second version of the Macintosh with 512 kB was to be released in 1985.
Mit dem USB-Triple-Foot-Switch bringt der Kühlspezialist Scythe ein USB-Gadget für verschiedenste Einsätze auf den Markt. Neben der Möglichkeit die verschiedensten Funktionen auf die Füße zu verlegen können auch Gamer von den drei Fußtasten profitieren. Wir haben uns den USB-Triple-Foot-Switch einmal näher angesehen.
The systems they are making are based around Clevo chassis and they range from the £1,395 Mercia to the £2,995 Iceni. Rather than focus on the high end model we though it would be more interesting to review the Mercia entry level unit - after all this is the model which is going to get the most sales.
SD video always had a slight pixelated feel to it and jagged edges; and with a slow internet connection, it often made calling someone more of a frustration and annoyance rather than a happy time for all.
Das Radio ist das älteste elektronische Massenmedium. Bereits 1923 gab es die ersten öffentlich-rechtlichen Radioprogramme und auch heute hat das Radio nicht an Bedeutung verloren, sondern bleibt neben dem Fernsehen und dem Internet bestehen. "Begleitmedium" nennen Medienprofis das, wenn das Radio – wie so oft im Büro – nebenher dudelt. Was Radios heute können zeigt der Test des TerraTec Noxon 90elf Webradios.
Im Interview spricht der Grafikkarten-Hersteller Nvidia über die in Mafia 2 integrierten PhysX-Effekte, deren Leistungshunger und die Option, die Darstellung auf die CPU auszulagern.
execution time : 0.101 sec