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NZXT has been releasing not only some top notch chassis designs like we saw in the Phantom, they are also keeping with the trend and offering them up in red, black and white, as other manufacturers are starting to offer the same options. Keeping on top of what the customers are looking to buy is what keeps NZXTs name showing up in all the recommendations.
The Cooler Master NA 90 Notebook Power Adapter is a 90W power adapter that will work with most notebooks. It's comes with many power tips which are easy to install and makes connection(s) fast and simple. If you need to replace your notebook power adapter or maybe you need a spare one, this would do the job.
Since the introduction of wireless networking (back in the days of direct path microwave), people have been looking for better, faster and more secure ways of doing things. When the wireless network hit the home it was slow; there is no other way to describe it. It was slow and clunky. Today, while wireless is still not as fast as wired networks, we are seeing pretty big leaps in speed. The n specification brings us up to 300Mbps (that is 150Mbps each direction).
Bitcoin-Mining per Grafikkarte ist ein seit einiger Zeit intensiv diskutiertes Thema. Leider hat sich bislang aber kaum jemand außerhalb plakativer Hochrechnungen damit beschäftigt, ob man damit auch wirklich einen Gewinn erzielen kann, wenn man sowohl Hardware-Kosten als auch Stromkosten in die Rechnung mit einbezieht.
Wir wollen dies nun nachholen und haben dafür zwei verschiedene Modelle grundlegend durchgerechnet: Zum einen den reinen Bitcoin-Miner-PC, welcher also nur für das Bitcoin-Mining angeschafft wird - und zum anderen den Nebenbeiher-Modus, bei welchem ein normaler PC nebenbeiher auch mit fürs Bitcoin-Mining benutzt wird. Besondere Würze bekommt das ganze dann durch die ständig steigende Bitcoin-Schwierigkeit, welche wir ebenfalls in unseren Rechnungen mit berücksichtigt haben.
SoundGraph have recently released an App for the iOS devices which works hand in hand with their HD Frame application and transforms our iPhone/iPod Touch or iPad into a fully functional remote, through which we can launch videos, listen to music, watch photos, get the latest news or watch Youtube videos of our choice. Of course, with the same application we can control most of the Windows applications by using the Virtual Keyboard and Virtual Touchpad.
Noch vor kurzem galten nur Laptops als tragbar. Der Anschluss eines Akustiksystems daran war jedoch mit Kabeln und Leitungen verbunden, was die freie Bewegung im Raum einschränkte. Schluss damit! Mit den neuen kabellosen Systemen von Microlab werden Sie endlich eine absolute Kabelfreiheit verspüren. Denn alles Tragbare muss auch kabellos sein! Bisher mussten Soundquelle und Wiedergabestation mittels Kabel verbunden sein, um miteinander zu harmonieren. Das war und ist zum einen oft umständlich durch lange Kabelwege und zum anderen und obendrein in den meißten Fällen auch wenig schön anzusehen.
The ZBOX is a new line of mini-PC's from ZOTAC, as they like to call them, and they are designed to fit into the low-cost computer system market segment as well as for those looking at adding rather good media playback ability to their lounge rooms from a small and quiet device.
The Playstation 3 has remained largely unhacked since its release in 2006. That is until now. We now have a working method for backing up games and playing them off the hard drive. Read on to find out more about this new hack.
Trace gives us a detail look at how to replace the RAM and HDD in your laptop for better performance
While normally at XSR we deal with PC hardware only, we occasionally get an interesting gadget of sorts to check out. Recently I was contacted by a company called Proporta to review some of their products; being the greedy git I am, accepted. Today I'll be checking out their Emergency Universal Charger. A handy little gadget that fits in your pocket while carrying a large charge. Let's see if we can figure out how to test this.
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