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Firaxis' Civilization 5 ist ein reiner PC-Titel und laut den Entwicklern das erste native DirectX-11-Spiel. PC Games Hardware klärt im Interview mit dem Graphics Lead Dan Baker und anhand der Vollversion von Civilization 5, wie DirectX 11 umgesetzt wurde.
Hell it's about time. Am 27. Juli ist es endlich so weit: 12 Jahre nach dem ersten Teil geht das erfolgreiche Echtzeitstrategie-Spiel in die zweite Runde. In Blizzard's "Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty" treffen erneut die hochentwickelten Protoss, die käferartigen Zerg und die erfinderischen Terraner aufeinander und bescheren uns epische Kämpfe in den Tiefen des Weltalls. Der Vorgänger ist nach wie vor ein großer eSport-Titel und wird in Korea schon fast als National Sport angesehen - ob Starcraft 2 dies weiterführen kann? Wir haben die Beta mehrere Wochen intensiv getestet und wagen nun einen ersten Ausblick.
The title of the game conjours up images of those macho magazine subscriptions that come with a hardback folder as a free gift with issue one. As such expect a dry, technical tank based simulation with loads and loads of information for military enthusiasts and a technically accurate control system that requires reading a five hundred page manual, right?
Kaeyi Dream takes on Ubisoft's latest stealth shooter: Splinter Cell Blacklist in her latest video for HardwareHeaven.
Let’s just address the pink elephant in the room. No one can think of Duke Nukem Forever without bringing up the extremely long development cycle. Yes, the game has had more than its fair share of drama, and has been in development for over 12 years. Due to the extremely long development time, gamers (and reviewers) believe that this game should be the most polished thing ever, with streamlined gameplay and unrivaled level design that should win awards for years to come.
The hits keep on coming in the highly popular Guitar Hero franchise with the latest release, Guitar Hero: Smash Hits. The 48 song collection contains all the best tracks from the previous Guitar Hero games, and allows gamers to not only play Guitar, but add vocals and drums as well.
The game returns the original games protagonist the Point Man to the series as his absence was severely missed in the previous game.
The game takes place approximately 9 months after the events of F.E.A.R 2 where the ghostly apparition of Paxton Fettel has returned to assist the point man on a daring mission to locate the supernatural Alma before she can give birth.
It’s the first in the newest Halo series known as the “Reclaimer Trilogy”. Many of us have fond memories of playing every single Halo game thus far. And although none will have that special place in my heart the way the first one did, this one comes mighty close.
mit Mafia 2 erhielt die PC Games Hardware "ein Angebot, das sie nicht ablehnen kann". Im heutigen Technik-Check von Mafia 2 gehen wir unter anderem auf die Engine, APEX-PhysX, die Hardware-Anforderungen und die Grafik ein.
As far as franchises go, Donkey Kong is one of the world's most known and revered. Ever since that big ol' ape stood atop a bunch of girders throwing barrels towards the world's best known plumber, Donkey Kong has been one of the world's most recognizable video game characters.
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