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Brink has a futuristic setting where Earth has flooded and a large chunk of civilisation has moved to a large floating city called The Ark. Designed initially as a sustainable living environment which was populated by great minds of the day as well as the rich it now finds itself surrounded by un-sailable ships and Container City, a slum which is the home of the Resistance a group of people with nowhere else to go and no access to even the basic standards of living.
Crysis 2 was released three months back to some disappointment. Despite a generally warm reception on the gameplay front, Crysis 2 was neither the eye-candy fest nor the graphics card stress test some were hoping for. If you recall, Crysis was the definitive real-world stress test back in its day. For quite some time after its release, even the most powerful systems struggled to run Crysis at maximum detail.
Crysis 2 est sorti au mois de mars 2011, et avait suscité dans un premier temps un grand enthousiasme. En effet, alors que les deux premiers opus avaient clairement annoncé la couleur en mettant à genoux n'importe quelle configuration d'époque, celui-ci changeait de background pour nous transporter dans la ville de New-York. Les inquiétudes nées de la démo se sont révélées fondées, avec un mode natif DX9 et un choix d'options graphiques proches du ridicule, et non customisables : il n'en fallait pas plus pour déclencher la colère des gamers PC, qui criaient à juste titre au portage console. Dans cette optique, et malgré les premières déclarations qui se voulaient rassurantes du boss Yerli Cevat, Crytek a bossé sur un patch DX11 parallèlement à un pack améliorant la qualité des textures. Grâ ;ce à l'excellent test de HFR, nous avons pu voir comment Nvidia et Crytek ont bossé main dans la main au détriment d'AMD, mais la situation étant quand même celle-ci et imposée aux joueurs, nous nous sommes plutôt penchés vers les performances, en tripotant CPU, GPU et même RAM. Comment optimiser son Crysis 2 ? Voilà la réponse !
Resistance 3 is set four years after the events of Resistance 2 and Nathan Hale has succumbed to the Chimera so our new protagonist and member of the resistance Joseph Capelli has taken to hiding in a rats nest of tunnels under a small town in Oklahoma. Capelli narrates a very beautifully animated opening sequence to cover what has happened so far...
Today I'm looking at Fate of the Pharaoh, a release from Cateia Games. Now many of you may think that a game from Cateia Games may not be worth your few quid, but I'd typically beg to differ. With the game being available for as little as £3 from their website it's got to be worth a go, right?
Digital game distribution services are a dime a dozen, but Beamdog vows to be different. Besides having the most unusual name for a service of its sort, Beamdog focuses on releasing games of all stripes, new or old, commercial or indie, and even some open source. It's also the exclusive shop for MDK2 HD, so let's check it out.
Eidos have done it again. They've delivered us a great playing experience with the release of the new DLC for Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The Missing Link is a full DLC that will happily give you an additional 4-5 hours worth of gameplay unlike the previous two DLC's that are just additional weapons and one mission.
Those who have played, and loved, previous Elder Scrolls titles will know that the games are huge. Taking Oblivion as an example it was possible to play through that and its expansions reasonably quickly but the completists would see themselves playing for hundreds upon hundreds of hours to finish all of the side quests and discover everything the games had to offer.
I remember the day when I loved to play the Need For Speed games, but recently I will admit to finding them dull, monotonous and immediately forgettable. When I was asked to review ‘The Run’ I winced inwardly at the prospect of having to sit through hours and hours of racing through various boring sections of a generic world map. Surprisingly ‘The Run’ is the first racing game Electronic Arts have released in years, that I have actually enjoyed, it has problems however.
Of all the superheroes, Batman is one of the few who does not possess any super-human power. Perhaps that is why so many people cheer for The Great Detective, and why so many gamers seek to wear his utility belt. Although the upcoming movie The Dark Knight Rises depicts the same character played in the Batman: Arkham City video game, both also share 3D special effects that offer a glimpse from behind Batman's cowl. Super-villain Joker always gets the last laugh, and uses dozens of other arch enemies to help make his punch line. In this article, Benchmark Reviews guides you through the criminal masterminds that inhabit Batman: Arkham City in this NVIDIA 3D Vision game review.
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