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In Bodycount we are an employee of The Network, a global organisation which answers to no-one, being above the law and looking to save the world by resolving conflicts across the globe. At the start of the game we are dropped into central Africa and tasked with finding out why a previously cold war has suddenly sparked into chaos between the two opposing sides of the conflict.
Polish developer City Interactive release budget games for the PC and their previous outings haven't been that wonderful. Today however we are looking at their latest air combat game, Combat Wings: Battle Of Britain which actually turns out to be quite an enjoyable game.
Wir erinnern uns an den 17. Oktober 2005 – an besagtem Tag erschien F.E.A.R. (First Encounter Assault Recon) in den Händlerregalen. So ziemlich jeder Shooter-Fan kaufte sich das Spiel, verdunkelte den Raum und setzte sich an den PC um zu schauen was das im Vorfeld gehypte Spiel so zu bieten hatte. Bis dahin gab es auf dem Markt zwar Horrorspiele oder Survival-Titel, aber ein Spiel mit Schockmomenten und Effekten, die regelrecht unter die Haut gehen und Gänsehaut erzeugen konnte kein Titel so wirklich bieten. Dunkle Korridore durch die man durch muss und die Batterie der Taschenlampe neigt sich dem Ende, furchteinflößende und schon fast animalische Geräusche aus dem Nichts, plötzlich auftauchende Schatten, die auch wieder schnell verschwinden – all das und viel mehr spendierten die Erfinder vom Horrorshooter, Monolith dem ersten Teil. Rund sechs Jahre später erscheint der dritte Teil des bekannten Horrorshooters. Ist er mindestens genauso gruselig? Welche Neuerungen erwarten uns? Das und vieles mehr klären wir in diesem Test.
Direct X 11, Tessellation und hochauflösende Texturen direkt zum Start: Crytek besinnt sich bei Crysis 3 seiner Wurzeln und liefert am PC einen grafischen Leckerbissen, wie ihn die Welt noch nicht gesehen hat. PC Games Hardware überprüft anhand von 24 Grafikkarten, wie der Leistungshunger der aufgemöbelten Cry-Engine 3 ausfällt.
Tower defense games seem to be all the craze lately with every platform having a multitude at their disposal already. Heck, even the Iphone has a few really good titles available on the Itunes store. Today we are looking at the newest title available on Steam for a few bucks by developer PopCap called Plants Vs Zombies. This game is set to become a classic because it combines addictive gameplay while oozing charm and personality from every line of code.
When the original Majesty was released at the turn of the century I spent months of my life trying to complete some of the more difficult missions. It was fiendishly addictive yet also surprisingly difficult. Developer 1C Company have released the follow up entitled ‘Majesty 2’ which is set to update some of the gameplay elements as well as introduce a flashy new 3D graphics engine.
A little more than a month ago we told you about the AMD Gaming Evolved Campaign as well as the new game title called Total War: Shogun 2. We took a look at the Shogun 2 and ran some benchmarks using DirctX 9. At the time of release Sega promised a soon to follow patch that would include DirectX 11 compatibility as well as a handful of other killer features. The patch has arrived and we have taken to the benchmarks again to see how the patch has helped or hurt the performance of Total War: Shogun 2. Read on to see what we found out.
Journey has no story. Well, not a story that we can write a paragraph about. The story boils down to this. A small human-like character needs to reach the top of a mountain. And that's it. It's one of Journey's great successes because it allows you to craft or wonder why the character is in the world they are in and why they need to reach that mountain top. Many gaming forums are already awash with theories as to what the "journey" actually represents, but it's likely to mean something different for everyone.
Another success of Journey is that it treats you like an adult. The game does not slam storyline into you with cut scene after cut scene, it's not a hugely scripted world and the tutorial is basically a few images on screen telling you what to do. No thirty minute tutorials, no look up and down. Just get into the world and enjoy it. It's a credit to the developers that it is very much a game you can pick up and play and just know what to do.
mit BattleForge präsentieren die deutschen Entwickler von EA Phenomic einen Titel, der schon bei der genretechnischen Einordnung für Aufmerksamkeit sorgt. ComputerBase hat das ambitionierte Online-RTS mit Sammelkartenspielflair und RPG-Momenten auf Herz und Nieren geprüft und klärt, ob die Genre-Verquickung geglückt ist.
mit F1 2010 fährt ein weiterer Titel auf Basis der Ego-Engine vor. Im Technik-Test prüft PC Games Hardware die CPU- und Grafikkarten-Anforderungen, liefert Details zur Engine, vergleicht minimale mit maximalen Details und erläutert die inoffizielle Aktivierung des DirectX-11-Modus.
execution time : 0.087 sec