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Battlefield 4 has been one of the biggest game releases so far this year for gamers on all gaming platforms. The FPS title from EA and DICE has got off to a relatively shaky start with numerous audio, graphical and gameplay problems across the various platforms it was released on. In fact for many Battlefield 4 owners the game is still in a dysfunctional or buggy state, but you can expect (or hope) that EA and DICE will begin to patch and fix the majority of the problems within the coming weeks as they have said they will. The shaky launch aside, what most PC owners/gamers want to know, if they haven’t already found out, is how do current generation GPUs perform in Battlefield 4 on the PC?
Today we put that question to the test with an extensive, albeit not entirely complete, range of current generation AMD and Nvidia GPUs. On the AMD side we have the R7 260X, R9 270, R9 270X, R9 280X, R9 290 and R9 290X while on the Nvidia side we have a few more offerings with the GTX 650 Ti Boost, GTX 660, GTX 760, GTX 770, GTX 780, GTX 780 Ti and GTX Titan. All of the aforementioned graphics cards are current offerings and to the sharp-minded readers you will notice some graphics cards are missing. Mainly the current generation lower-end graphics cards from both AMD and Nvidia are absent, that includes the Nvidia GTX 650, GT 640 GDDR5, GT 640 DDR3 and the AMD R7 250 and R7 240. The main reason for not testing these graphics cards, other than that we didn’t have most of them, is because they simply aren’t that capable of running such a high end gaming title. Of course that’s not to say they can’t but given the nature of the resolutions we test (mainly 1080p or above) and the quality settings our readers like to see (very high or ultra) these GPUs simply aren’t cut out for the test. Arguably they are more aimed at gamers with 1366 x 768 monitors tackling medium-high details but I digress. The system requirements for Battlefield 4 reveal a similar picture, if you want a smooth gameplay experience then you need an AMD Radeon HD 7870 or Nvidia GTX 660 or better. However, those system requirements show you very little about what you can expect at different resolutions. So without any further ado let us show you our results and show you exactly how AMD and Nvidia’s offerings stack up!
Technic3D hat Battlefield 4 im Test. Hauptaugenmerk des Blockbuster liegt hierbei natürlich auf dem Multiplayer-Part. Wie das Spiel von EA im Test abschneidet, steht im folgenden Artikel.
Mit End Game hat DICE den fünften und letzten Downloadcontainer für Battlefield 3 zum bereitgestellt. Im neuesten Zusatzinhalt finden sich neben dem vielbeworbenen Dirtbike, vier neue Maps, sowie zwei neue Spielmodi. Für ganz aufmerksame Spieler hat der Entwickler gleich mehrere interessante Easter Eggs im Spiel versteckt, die wir im Test aufgedeckt haben. Ob dies ausreicht, um Battlefield 3 ein erfolgreiches Finale zu bescheren, erfahrt ihr im Folgenden.
Publisher EA und Entwickler DICE öffneten für PC-Spieler am 4. Dezember die Pforten zum neuen DLC mit dem Namen „Aftermath“. Selbiger ist nun das dritte Erweiterungspack, welches für Battlefield 3 zur Verfügung steht. Mit diesem DLC läutet EA die vorletzte Erweiterung ein und legt die Schienen für das im März angekündigte "Endgame". In diesem Artikel werden wir klären ob "Aftermath" ein Pflichtkauf oder ein unnötiger Zusatz für die Battlefield-3-Spieler ist.
In der dritten Erweiterung von Battlefield 3, will die Spieleschmiede DICE das Blut alter Battlefield-Veteranen aufkochen lassen: Mit neuen Panzerfahrzeugen und riesigen Schlachtfeldern sollen genau die Spieler auf ihre Kosten kommen, die mit Nahkämpfen wenig am Hut haben. Ob dies dem Entwicklerstudio gelingt und ob sich der Kauf von Armored Kill lohnt, klären wir in diesem Test.
I have been playing Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3 together, getting to grips with the weaknesses and strengths with both titles. COD: MW3 left me with a rather sour taste in my mouth – because while I enjoyed the (short) single player missions I found that it was a strictly ‘paint by numbers’ experience, bringing nothing new to the table. Battlefield 3 has been the more enjoyable and entertaining of the two, without question.
Finally the time has come! I get to play one of the games I've been most looking forward to getting my grubby little mitts on this year. Since hearing that Battlefield 3 'may be a possibility' back in May 2009, I twiddled my thumbs anxiously waiting for a trailer to appear. I personally loved Bad Company and Bad Company 2 so was really looking forward to the release of BF3 - especially the multiplayer aspect of the game.
Let me paint a little picture here - I personally use a speedy fiber Internet connection and typically it is super fast for anything I do. You'd imagine my pain in launching a Battlefield 3 session after waiting patiently to connect to a server nearby with a good ping, only to find when I get in the game, it's lagging almost to an unplayable degree. Alright, it's not like the good old days where you'd see up to and above 500ms latency - but still, it's enough to get your aim and so forth off target and cause some real mouse smashing on the pad. So, I set to finding a solution for the problem - everyone else seems to be fragging nicely, but not me. It turns out that to enable a smooth gaming experience in BF3 on the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 there is a little bit of work to be done. You know EA... it would be nice if you made this a little more public. I suspect it may be because not everyone is affected by the issue and it will depend greatly on your n etwork setup. Anyway, to cut to the chase, it turns out you need to enable certain online ports for BF3 to offer a lag-free gaming experience.
Battlefield 3 verspricht, grafisch neue Maßstabe zu setzen. Die Beta-Version gibt einen Ausblick darauf, während neue Grafiktreiber von AMD und Nvidia versuchen, das Fps-Niveau anzuheben. Doch welche Grafikkarte ist wirklich nötig, um Spaß auf dem Schlachtfeld zu haben? PCGH macht den Test.
Technic3D hat das Spiel Battlefield 3 im Test. Trotz der negativen Origin Meldungen erfreut sich der Shooter größter Beliebtheit. Im Review wird ausführlich aufgezeigt warum dies so ist.
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