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Crysis 2 bietet vieles, was seinen Vorgänger zu einem grandiosen Spiel gemacht hat, in verbesserter Form und fügt eigene Impulse hinzu. Dem gegenüber stehen ein mehr auf Action und Story getrimmtes Korsett, das Crysis 2 Richtung Massenmarkt tendieren lässt, ohne aber in den Shooter-Einheitsbrei abzurutschen. Im Test klärt PC Games Hardware ausführlich die Stärken und Schwächen von Crysis 2.
Launching on the 1st of March (US) and 4th of March (EU), and currently in open beta, RIFT is a brand new next generation MMO from Trion Worlds. RIFT has been in development for about four years and has been in closed beta since late last year. Promising next generation graphics combined with a dynamic world setting RIFT has caused quite a stir in the MMO community.
This game is a lot like Grand Theft Auto with a nod towards those of us who loved Hackers. It has the standard gameplay found in many sandbox driving games. Been done before? Yes. But so has ice cream. And we always get excited when a new flavor comes out.
We want to get new content out as soon as we can. Our goal is to get new end-game episodes
out every other week and then our next big update will be about 50 days after launch. Of course. Updates should be very regular after that, but it’s hard to plan live content so far ahead in an MMO.
In this video Kaeyi Dream interviews Scott Mercer and Darren Williams from Blizzard on the latest WoW expansion: Mists of Pandaria.
1987 erschien für das NES ein Titel mit dem Namen Bionic Commando, welcher damals grafische Maßstäbe setzte. Im Jahre 2009 schickt Capcom nun den gleichnamigen Next-Gen-Nachfolger an den Start und hofft, auch wegen des innovativem Spielprinzips, an die Erfolge der ursprünglichen Version anknüpfen zu können.
For the few of you who don’t know - legendary developer Bioware have a new game released called Dragon Age: Origins. Publisher Electronic Arts have been behind a huge marketing campaign with a level of hype I haven’t seen in quite a while. Thankfully we are glad to report, for once, our expectations are met - this is possibly THE game of 2009.
Alle guten Dinge brauchen Zeit - eine Menge Zeit! Nach einer Auszeit von der Welt der Computerspiele ist Duke Nukem endlich zurück, und er ist besser als je zuvor. Die Rückkehr des Königs aus den glorreichen Zeiten der Shooter wird die geduldigen Fans ebenso zufriedenstellen wie die neue Generation harter Kerl mit Flip-Flops und Kaugummi. Um Missverständnisse zu vermeiden: Duke Nukem Forever ist ein Hohelied auf die Zeit, in der Shooter noch aufregend und spaßig waren." Dies verkündete Christoph Hartmann, Präsident von 2K, in München am 6. September 2010. Jetzt ein gutes halbes Jahr später, können wir uns endlich ein eigenes Bild vom neuen, alten Shooter machen.
Army Of Two was released last year to a mixed critical and public reception. You had to fight through the environments with two mercenaries - Salem and Rios, both hardass gunslinging warriors who reveled in blowing up everything and everyone in their path. The action was intense but many felt it was shortlived and that the cooperative experience could have been much better.
Since quite a few people were saying that Warband wasn’t much of a change over the original game, I did my research into the series by playing around ¾ of a year of Mount & Blade senior, checking out the different features, learning the combat model and just getting a feel for the franchise. Now I could go completely in depth with this review and describe every facet of Mount & Blade Warband and is predecessor but that would take forever; really it’s a huge game. So instead I’ll focus on a few key points of the game, giving some pros and some cons and ultimately conclude it to see whether it’s worth its price tag.
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