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Crysis 2 was released three months back to some disappointment. Despite a generally warm reception on the gameplay front, Crysis 2 was neither the eye-candy fest nor the graphics card stress test some were hoping for. If you recall, Crysis was the definitive real-world stress test back in its day. For quite some time after its release, even the most powerful systems struggled to run Crysis at maximum detail.
auf der Gamescom 2010 erhielt PC Games Hardware die Möglichkeit, sich ausführlich über die in Crysis 2 eingesetzte CryEngine 3 zu informieren: DirectX 11 samt ComputeShader und Tessellation, Multicore-Rendering, Stereo 3D, cineastische Effekte und mehr.
Crysis 2 will alles noch besser machen als der erste Teil. Wir haben uns das Spiel angeschaut und sagen was dran ist.
Crysis was an epic game, and whether you loved or loathed it, for many years it became a ‘ benchmark’ for PC gaming, and opened many debates along the lines of ‘yes,but how well can you run Crysis?’. I liked the original – it was fun, it was entertaining, and with the ludicrous hardware demand it became a personal goal of mine to get it running well at high settings on my 1080p plasma TV. The followup? well Crysis 2 is a very different kettle of fish.
Remember the nightmare faced by the PC gamers more than 3 years ago where all high end graphics cards back then can't even run the game properly when all the eye candies were enabled? It seems the suitation is much better now with the new CryEngine 3 that seems more robust and support multi-platforms. You have about a month time to upgrade your dated PCs to play Crysis 2 comfortably before it hits the retail on March 22nd.
When Crytek announced Crysis 2 back in June 2009 at E3, it's needless to say there was quite a large reaction, whether it was a good reaction, or one of a sceptic - it was pretty large.
It had quite a challenge to live up to, as Crysis was regarded as one of the best PC games to ever be released, and still is regarded as one of the best looking games to buy for the PC. not to mention it's benchmark appeal, even to this day people ask "How well does it run Crysis" when reviewing or buying new hardware.
Over the holidays I've been testing the Blackmagic Intensity Shuttle, a little device that gives us the ability to record our gaming footage in HD and it has given us the ability to implement our own in-game footage and screenshots. But this isn't something we'll get into today - Keep an eye out for a standalone review in the coming weeks!
Crysis 2 bietet vieles, was seinen Vorgänger zu einem grandiosen Spiel gemacht hat, in verbesserter Form und fügt eigene Impulse hinzu. Dem gegenüber stehen ein mehr auf Action und Story getrimmtes Korsett, das Crysis 2 Richtung Massenmarkt tendieren lässt, ohne aber in den Shooter-Einheitsbrei abzurutschen. Im Test klärt PC Games Hardware ausführlich die Stärken und Schwächen von Crysis 2.
Technic3D hat die PC Version von Crysis 2 im Test. Der Nachfolger des ersten Teiles hat es nicht einfach, denn die Messlatte des populären Vorgänger liegt sehr hoch. Ob Crysis 2 im Großstadtdschungel bestehen kann, steht im nachfolgenden Artikel.
Mit „Crysis“ landeten die Frankfurter Entwickler von Crytek 2007 einen echten Überraschungserfolg. Allerdings sorgte der Titel trotz der Beliebtheit an den Kassen aufgrund der Mischung aus durchwachsener Story, solidem Gameplay und bombastischer Grafik für höchst unterschiedliche Ansichten bezüglich der Güte des Gebotenen. ComputerBase klärt im Test, wie es um den Nachfolger bestellt ist.
execution time : 0.139 sec