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Mit „Ether One“ und „Fract Osc“ testen wir zwei der außergewöhnlichsten Perlen der Indie-Adventure-Spiele, die die Spielelandschaft in den letzten Jahren hervorgebracht hat.
The Shadow Odyssey is EverQuest II's fifth expansion and it introduces a new storyline as well as bringing back instanced group Dungeons and areas derived from the original EverQuest.
If you play first person shooters on the Xbox 360, then you certainly have wished for a way to get an edge on your game. Microsoft's original Xbox 360 controller is one of the best gamepads in the history of consoles, but some people still wish for some customization.
Vier Jäger, ein Monster: Evolve will als unkonventioneller Multiplayer-Spaß punkten. Der ComputerBase-Test klärt, ob das Vorhaben gelingt.
im Februar 2012 erscheint die PC-Version des einst Xbox-360-exklusiven Action-Thrillers Alan Wake. PC Games Hardware sprach mit Markus Mäki, CTO bei Entwickler Remedy, über die DirectX-9-Engine und welche technischen Besonderheiten der Titel aufweist.
F.E.A.R. 2 was met with a mixed response - some gamers thought it combined strong core gameplay with high octane FPS action while others felt it was just riding on the coat tails of the original game which was a huge seller when it was released. Me? I thought it was entertaining enough, even if it didn’t reinvent the wheel.
I love the FEAR games. That may sound odd because I don't like games that stay the same, but FEAR has always done a good job of offering a nice and engaging story while highlighting combat. Unlike most FPS games FEAR has always let the player determine how a fight goes down. I know that in COD5 there was next to no variation in how to get through a level. But in FEAR the enemies are always smart, slo-mo instantly changes a fight, and there are always many options in weapons and melee. I honestly believe that while many would dog FEAR's lack on innovation and somewhat cliched story, this series does combat better than any FPS.
At its core F.E.A.R 3 is a modern day first person shooter so all of the key ingredients are here, the ability to carry multiple weapons, including two of the same type for dual handed attacks, we can zoom to target and health regenerates when we seek cover. Day 1 have however retained some of the key aspects of the original title which ensure that this feels like a F.E.A.R title, the main thing being the ability to slow time while attacking which allows us to target and attack multiple enemies more successfully in dangerous situations.
Wir erinnern uns an den 17. Oktober 2005 – an besagtem Tag erschien F.E.A.R. (First Encounter Assault Recon) in den Händlerregalen. So ziemlich jeder Shooter-Fan kaufte sich das Spiel, verdunkelte den Raum und setzte sich an den PC um zu schauen was das im Vorfeld gehypte Spiel so zu bieten hatte. Bis dahin gab es auf dem Markt zwar Horrorspiele oder Survival-Titel, aber ein Spiel mit Schockmomenten und Effekten, die regelrecht unter die Haut gehen und Gänsehaut erzeugen konnte kein Titel so wirklich bieten. Dunkle Korridore durch die man durch muss und die Batterie der Taschenlampe neigt sich dem Ende, furchteinflößende und schon fast animalische Geräusche aus dem Nichts, plötzlich auftauchende Schatten, die auch wieder schnell verschwinden – all das und viel mehr spendierten die Erfinder vom Horrorshooter, Monolith dem ersten Teil. Rund sechs Jahre später erscheint der dritte Teil des bekannten Horrorshooters. Ist er mindestens genauso gruselig? Welche Neuerungen erwarten uns? Das und vieles mehr klären wir in diesem Test.
F.E.A.R. has been a rather complex series to try and understand. We all know the creepy child like ALMA, a super charged, evil deity who is the figurehead of the franchise. We can recall Paxton Fettel and Point Man, two characters who featured in previous titles with special powers and heightened mental states. It gets more complex when we remember that Fettel and Point Man were brothers, and Fettel was killed by Point Man, but he didn’t actually die. Alma is their mother, and is pregnant now, with the very real possibility of giving birth to an evil beast, set to destroy the world as we know it.
execution time : 0.056 sec