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Batman: Arkham City, developed by Rocksteady Studios, is the tense sequel to the 2009 release Batman: Arkham Asylum. Set inside a sprawling district in the heart of Gotham City, which functions as a new maximum security prison for all of Gotham's criminals.
FIFA 13 Alle Jahre wieder schicken sich EA Sports und Konami an, den Thron der Fußball-Videospiele zu erobern. Wir klären, was der erste der beiden Anwärter zu bieten hat.
It is a brave developer who decides to release an adventure role playing game for the Wii. As soon as it is announced comparisons will be made with the Zelda franchise. Does it match up graphically, is the story too similar, or not similar enough... and then when people actually play it, how does it compare overall. An RPG on Wii can be impressive but fail to get close to Zelda and many will see it as a failure, not worth their time or money.
Mit „Carrier Command: Gaea Mission“ schickt sich Bohemia an, einem Klassiker neues Leben einzuhauchen. Wir klären im Test, ob dieser Versuch geglückt ist.
The first key point is that unfortunately the game suffers from its NFL licence. That may sound stupid, how an official licence can make a game worse, but in NFL Blitz case its clear from the first play that this is the case. This is especially true for those who remember the classic arcade games of the 1990s.
The main reason for this is the No Fun League has had its say. One of the key aspects of NFL Blitz was hard hitting action, over the top hits where players landed on their head, cringed in pain and in the most recent iterations of the game, visceral, graphical injuries are present. It is understandable why the NFL does not want its game portrayed in that way, but NFL Blitz 2012 Edition removes much of what makes the game fun. With no late hits, the game doesn't seem that over the top and in general it really feels boring to play.
Prototype 2 gehört zu den Spielen, die den Gamern das geben wollen, was in einer von Ego-Shootern und Fantasy-RPG dominierten Zeit nur selten erhältlich ist: ein aktuelles Setting, posthumane Fähigkeiten, ein pralles Arsenal an Waffen und ganze Gegnerhorden, die man in alt-bekannter „Hack 'n Slay“-Manier zerlegen darf. Mit Prototype 2 geht dieses Konzept aus dem Hause "Activision" und "Radical Entertainment" in die zweite Runde. Zwar wurde der Nachfolger zensiert um einer Indizierung in Deutschland zu entkommen, wir aber haben Prototype 2 in der englischen Uncut-Fassung für euch gespielt und werden in diesem Test klären, ob das Spiel hält, was der Vorgänger verspricht.
All Zombies Must Die! is developed by Doublesix and Published by Square Enix. It is an arcade style RPG shooter with a self-consciously thin plot and a light hearted take on the zombie apocalypse scenario, this is a game focused on fun rather than story telling. Released this coming week the PC version is downloadable through Steam and comes with numerous fixes and improvements based on feedback from the console version.
Mit „Last Light“ schickt sich das ukrainische 4A-Spielestudio an, den Erfolg von „Metro 2033“ zu erneuern. Das Spiel ist seit heute erhältlich. Auch im Bundle mit Nvidia-Karten.
The best Lego game we have played so far, but does that make it good?
One of the best racing games on the original PlayStation console was Colin McRae Rally. Released to little fanfare, it not only made Colin McRae a household name to gamers, it had incredibly good graphics and the gameplay proved that a sport once seen to be very mundane outside of Europe could actually be fun to play.
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