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Mit „Tron: Legacy“ hielt zu Beginn des Jahres die Fortsetzung des Disney-Science-Fiction-Spielfilms „Tron“ von 1982 erfolgreich Einzug in Deutsche Kinos. Zu diesem Anlass hat Gaming-Spezialist Razer eine eigene Peripherie-Kollektion im Tron-Stil veröffentlicht. ComputerBase testet mit dem Maus-Mauspad-Bundle Teile der Serie und klärt, ob hier nur eingefleischte Tron-Fans auf ihre Kosten kommen.
Rayman Origins from UBISOFT sees us catapulted into the Rayman universe once again in a whimsical 2D side-scrolling platform; the latest in a unique series of games that started with the release of Rayman in 1995.
Ubisoft are bringing the same great Rayman Origins adventure from PS3/360 to PS Vita with tweaked controls that take advantage of the touch screen. Is this a must have title from the early catalogue of games?
I've been an on and off fan of the Ratchet & Clank games ever since the PlayStation 2 days, but have always fallen short of really getting stuck into what the games have to offer. I've casually played some single player and co-op on many of the titles from the franchise on PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3, from what I did play I know the games were pretty good too, but as I said, I never really got hooked on them.
At Benchmark reviews, we thought it might be interesting to offer a light hearted article on the new PC version FPS/RPG hybrid game RAGE, from id software, the creators of DOOM. I've played a lot of PC games since I started using computers. I'm not saying I'm a "gamer," because I'm not. But, I have a good feel for how games have matured since DOOM, which was my first PC game. I've been luke warm with the entire genre of FPSs, MMOGs, and RTSs for a long time, with few exceptions. RAGE is one of those exceptions. Aside from video driver troubles early on, RAGE has a lot to offer and seems like a game inside of a game, inside of a game. This isn't a review, but more of a personal musing on the game itself. So, take off your armor and come on in for some fun...
Der Ego-Shooter "RAGE" wird von Spielern in aller Welt sehnlichst erwartet und soll ab 2011 für Computer, Microsofts Xbox 360 und Sonys PlayStation 3 erhältlich sein. Vorab hat die Spieleschmiede id Software nun bereits ein kleines Appetithäppchen namens "RAGE Mutant Bash TV" für Apples iPad und iPhone serviert.
It is fair to say that since it was originally announced in 2007 Rage from id Software has had some high expectations to live up to. After all the developers are responsible for some classic games including Doom and Quake. Since that original announcement the game has trundled towards release, id favouring a "when its done" style of development but over the past few months we have seen previews and events where the game was playable and nearing release.
Simbin have released a new racing game entitled Race On however on closer inspection it is basically a resissue of the aging (but still solid) Race 07. The Swedish developer added Nordschleife and some Grand Tourers last year and called it GTR Evolution ... this year they add more to it, with American Muscle cars, WTCC 08 updates and some Swedish Touring action making the grade.
Mit R.U.S.E präsentieren Eugen Systems und Ubisoft eine neue Franchise und ebnen zugleich den Weg für ein neues Subgenre im Strategieuniversum. Nicht die größte Armee gewinnt, sondern die cleverste. List und Taktik prägen das Spiel.
Wouldn't it be great if there was a game that recreated the element of surprise at the heart of each conflict, one that would enable players to not only show the understanding of their arsenal but also genuine lateral thinking in the face of something unexpected?
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