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Gut fünf Jahre nach dem zweiten Teil ist mit „Stronghold 3“ endlich die Fortsetzung der Burgbau-Strategiespiel-Reihe erhältlich. Neben kleineren Neuerungen und einem überarbeiteten Äußeren verspricht der dritte Teil vor allem, die altehrwürdige Reihe auf den Stand der Zeit zu hieven und so abermals jede Menge Spielspaß zu verbreiten. Wir klären im Test, was der Titel zu bieten hat.
Burnout Crash! is a colourful downloadable arcade for Xbox 360 and Play Station 3. It is a famous destruction racer spin-off, with focus on the single mode from Burnout 2 and up – “Crash Mode”. The rules are simple – you drive into a busy intersection and try to cause as much damage around you as possible. Cars, road fixtures, buildings, everything has to blow up.
I can't help it, there are just some things I can't get enough of. One of those things is Angry Birds! If you are an Android, iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch user and you have the Angry Birds application installed, and you are wondering how to get all the golden eggs... Look no further. I, for one, cannot consider something completed until I have all the secrets revealed.
In the run up to the launch of Microsoft's Xbox One and Sonys PS4 there were a few games which were really getting gamers excited. One of those was Watch_Dogs, a brand new franchise from Ubisoft, but sadly it was delayed (on all platforms, including PC, 360 and PS3) with the publisher stating it was to allow the game time for further development and maximum quality. So 6 months on Watch_Dogs finally hits the market and today we can talk about our experience with the game.
Hidden away in the busy winter releases were more than a few interesting titles for Sony's PS3 Move controller and today we will take a quick look at each of them, and a few older titles to see what might appeal in those last minute gift buying sessions.
Test Drive Unlimited was a classic game and one that kept me occupied for many, many months. Is the long awaited follow up any good? I have spent the last two weeks trying to get to grips with the somewhat flawed sequel.
If you play first person shooters on the Xbox 360, then you certainly have wished for a way to get an edge on your game. Microsoft's original Xbox 360 controller is one of the best gamepads in the history of consoles, but some people still wish for some customization.
The latest Call of Duty game continues where Modern Warfare 2 left off with the new edition in this franchise offering a single player campaign, updated Special Ops missions and an improved multiplayer experience.
Das lang erwartete Spiel Bioshock: Infinite ist endlich da. Wenngleich die Macher sich von der Unterwasserumgebung Raptor getrennt haben, blieb man zumindest dem Gameplay treu und präsentiert einen knallharten Ego-Shooter mit reichlich Blut. Was der dritte Bioshock-Teil zu bieten hat, klären wir im heutigen Test.
Infinity Award’s Robert Dowling has let slip that the COD MW2 map pack, ‘the Stimulus Package’, is due to be released on 30 March on XBOX LIVE containing a total of five maps – two of which are classics from the original Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
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