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Stuck with an older PC that runs slow in Vista? Upgrading to Windows 7 might breath new life into that PC and extend its useful life. In this DIY Guide PCSTATS is going to compare the performance of a handful of AMD and Intel processors running under Windows Vista to Windows 7, with an eye towards answering this question; "Will upgrading to Windows 7 breath new life into older PC hardware previously sluggish under Windows Vista?
While we're reviewed some pretty expensive and feature heavy hard drive enclosures and NAS drives in recent weeks here at XSR, not everyone wants something so complicated and all encompassing. What of those that want something that's far more plug and play, far more simple and most importantly far cheaper. For those perhaps the Tsunami-Tech Ultimate II 3500 is what you're after. Let's find out.
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Late yesterday we got word that ATI would be coming out with a Catalyst 10.3 preview update driver that would increase the performance of more than a dozen PC games. We don't think it's a coincidence that this driver just happens to come out the week before the GeForce GTX 480 graphics card is due to launch at PAX East. Read on to see how Catalyst 10.3 drivers do in the benchmarks when we compare them to Catalyst 10.2 drivers on a Radeon HD 5870 graphics card!
Manche Einstellungen lassen sich auch bei Windows 7 besser bzw. nur über die Systemregistrierung regeln. Insgesamt sind 11 neue Tipps verfügbar, um das System individuell anzupassen, auszureizen und zu optimieren.
Eine neue Oberfläche sowie ein schnelleres und komfortableres Arbeitsgefühl machten Windows 7 zum Kassenschlager. Im Hintergrund arbeitet aber weiterhin viel altbekannte Technik. Soll das Windows-7-System nicht zur lahmen Krücke verkommen, benötigt es die richtige Pflege.
Today for review I have a backup solution that I found to be one of the best and probably the easiest system to use for your backups. It’s called the Clickfree Traveler, it’s a 16gb flash storage device to automatically backup your data, it’s the size of a credit card and about as thick as three or four of them so it’s very portable. The Clickfree Traveler has a small USB connection on it that plug into your computer, when plugged in it automatically searches your computer for a number of types of documents and automatically backs them up for you. You literally just plug it in, run the program and let it work, it does everything for you. it does have more advanced options yes, but for a quick and easy backup solution I’ve not found one that is this easy and simple to use. So read on to learn more a bout a backup solution that is so easy even a child could do it…
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It's safe to say that this month we're not expecting a whole lot from the latest driver release for the simple reason being we saw such huge gains from the last two months that it just doesn't makes sense that a whole lot was going to happen this time around.
execution time : 0.056 sec