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Unless you've been living under a rock, you would know that the release of the Catalyst 11.4s has been anticipated as one of the most significant ones from AMD in many months. We've actually been using the 11.4 driver for months in the form of the HD 6990 Beta and new models that launched after the HD 6990 carried with them slightly modified versions of the 11.4.
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Futuremark tunes into the mobile world with 3DMark for Android, benchmarking just became a whole lot cooler for smartphones and tablets.
Overall, the Callpod Keeper is a pretty solid product. I wish I knew more about what military-grade security means, but I’m going to go ahead and assume that the software provides a serious level of safety. I trust Keeper is like a fine seven-foot-thick steel wall of stanch iron between my precious passwords and Little Johnny Jimbo the laptop thief. Things like the auto-logout and self-destruct features are great tools for keeping unwanted guests out of your password log, and the software’s means of filing and storing your information couldn’t be more straightforward and user-friendly.
When you run a review site like eTeknix, from time to time you find interesting ways to get the latest content to the viewers.
As we're rolling towards the second half of August, we saw the other day that AMD released its Catalyst 11.8 driver suite a bit quicker than when I initially thought it would be. To be honest, though, if you think about the fact that when we saw the release of the WHQL 11.7 driver suite we also saw the beta preview of the 11.8s, AMD no doubt were getting close to having the 11.8s ready, so again, the fact that they're a little earlier than normal doesn't come as too much of a surprise.
Neue Windows 7 Tipps zu den Themen Hardware, Systemoptimierung und Netzwerk
Die reinrassige Windows 7-Tuning-Suite für die individuelle Optimierung von Leistung, Sicherheit, Design und Komfort.
Every person has different tastes when it comes to their installation of Windows. Through the years that have been many things that I do right off the bat when getting my install "just right". In the XP days, the first thing I would do was to stretch the taskbar, enable Quick Launch, add an address bar, unlock it, then move those around a bit. If my taskbar wasn't set up this way, I HATED IT... in fact, I would move other people's around when I worked on their computers! Windows 7 is no different for me, however, the list isn't as exhaustive yet. This is a multipart series, so stay tuned for more.
Wenn wir von aktuell gehaltenen Systemen sprechen, denken wir in erster Linie an Windows Patches, Servicepacks, Treiber, sowie das tägliche Update des Virenscanners. Aber nicht nur die Aktualität des Systems im Allgemeinen und der gängigsten Dienstprogramme ist wichtig, auch veraltete Software stellt Sicherheitslücken dar. Und wer von uns ist schon ohne entsprechende Hilfsmittel in der Lage, präzise zu bestimmen, welche Programme sich auf unseren Rechnern tummeln und vor allem wie lange deren letzte Aktualisierung her ist? Ganz zu schweigen vom nötigen Zeitaufwand, sich auf Herstellerwebsites regelmäßig zu informieren und die Programmupdates zu suchen.
Nun wäre es wünschenswert, wenn es ein kleines Tool gäbe, welches uns dabei helfen könnte. Microsoft hat zwar angekündigt, diese Funktionalität zur Verfügung stellen zu wollen, schafft es aber seit Jahren nicht, externe Programme in ihre Updates einzubinden. Bei Linux ist dies beispielsweise besser gelöst.
Die Firma Secunia jedoch bietet den kostenlosen Personal Software Inspector (PSI) an, welcher ein Softwareinventar unseres Rechners anfertigt und für updatewürdige Programme auch gleich die passende Aktualisierung sucht. Was das Programm genau kann und ob es sich im Praxistest bewährt, sehen wir uns im Folgenden einmal genauer an, viel Spaß beim Lesen...
execution time : 0.035 sec