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Mit dem Start von Windows 8 bricht auch für Notebooks ein neues Touchscreen-Zeitalter an, denn stärker als bislang muss man mit Tablets konkurrieren. Welche Geräte erwarten uns?
Every product used today was first brought to life by industrial designers. Designers are the people behind the scenes designing and perfecting our everyday luxuries: Cars, phones, watches and kitchen appliances. They also develop the packaging for food, beverages and candy. Recently the Hershey Company partnered up with the Academy of Art University, asking graphic design students to design packaging for the delicious chocolates for Valentine's Day packaging, which will debut in January 2013.
Though still in beta, Valve’s Steam client for Linux is stable, fast, and from what we can tell, matches the feature-set of the Windows and OS X clients 1:1. That being the case, there felt like no better time than the present to dive in, give a tour and relay our experiences with both the client and a slew of games.
This past Friday night, I did the only thing any single, lonely male would do: I played my MMO. During a quest, Windows 8 decided to kill my character with a full-screen activation nag screen. For those unaware, everything in Windows you don't expect to be full screen may very well be in Windows 8. At the time, I didn't think to screenshot this prompt, because I didn't anticipate what was to come.
And all you have to do to be a part of it all is to simply own one. But what about those people that want to take it a step further? There are bloggers all around the world wanting to get their word out, and what better way to do it than the net? And what better format than audio. You spurt your random nonsense into a microphone, send that crap to cyberspace, and every person on the planet with an internet connection has access. And the peeps over at X-OOM have the studio to help you make your dreams of being a world-wide-blabbermouth come true. Today I'm checking out X-OOM's Podcast Studio, and I'll check out the joys of podcasting for myself.
I had heard of installing Vista and even Windows 7 RC using a flash drive, but never XP (my operating system of choice). I spent some time researching and by combining a few things I learned on various sites, put together a method that was pretty quick and worked perfectly. I decided to make this guide (complete with clickable screenshots) for people like me who need a no-nonsense method of installing XP from a flash drive.
In anticipation of Windows 7 going on sale in October we are publishing a selection of articles which will help our readers get the most out of the operating system. Last month we published a guide explaining how to install Windows 7 and this month we take a look at some of the new and enhanced features the operating system offers over Vista and XP.
The product is known as Todo Backup, and today we’ll take a look at how it functions and how it compares to other data backup software. A few months back I reviewed EASEUS’s Partition Master software to relatively high success, so I expect high marks from this product as well.
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ipconfig - DNS Cache anzeigen
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Easy BCD-Bootmanager for free
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winsx - Der Speicherfresser
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While we're reviewed some pretty expensive and feature heavy hard drive enclosures and NAS drives in recent weeks here at XSR, not everyone wants something so complicated and all encompassing. What of those that want something that's far more plug and play, far more simple and most importantly far cheaper. For those perhaps the Tsunami-Tech Ultimate II 3500 is what you're after. Let's find out.
execution time : 0.051 sec