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Those of you who have been following our MissingRemote Podcast are familiar with the dilemma I have been facing for the last few months--do I dare take the plunge on my one and only Windows Home Server system, based off of an HP MediaSmart EX495, and upgrade to the new and "improved" WHS 2011? After much deliberation and non-stop harassment from, well everyone, I decided it was time. The process was not nearly as bad as I had anticipated but the results are certainly mixed. Obviously this upgrade is not supported by HP given that the EX495 is long since discontinued, but migrating it to WHS 2011 would hopefully be worth the upgrade.
BBC has reported on news of a serious flaw in VBulletin 3.8.6 that allows anyone to easily access the main administrator username and password for the popular forum software. This could also enable hackers to access user data, such as e-mail addresses or edit the forum software at will.
I recently created a VM for Windows 7 and proceeded to waste hours trying to figure out why the Ethernet controller was missing from the Device Manager. Installing VMWare Tools didn't fix the issue, tracking down the correct Ethernet driver didn't help; other people that created the same Virtual Machine were not having problems (of course), just me. Fixing the problem is easier than you may think...
Ok, so we’re back with another Steam game giveaway and this week it is Hard Reset Extended Edition. The game is a single player shooter style game with a cyberpunk theme to it with some great looking graphics and very good reviews on Steam. The Extended Edition also included the Exile DLC which adds new content and extends the story. Winning is simple, read on to learn more ...
Futuremark Corporation today unveiled Peacekeeper, a free online benchmarking tool for measuring and comparing the performance of common internet browsers. We ran the benchmark on 11 browsers to see which one is the fastest and we even included Firefox 3.1 beta 3, which just came out today!
I really had high hopes for the latest version of Firefox, so much so that I sat and dealt with the same problems from the previous version waiting for an update to fix it. Firefox has come a long way since it debuted, but sometimes that road ahead can actually lead you backwards. With the slurry of new features present in Firefox 4, and even 3 for that matter, the project has failed to address one of the most problematic issues, memory usage.
Jeder Internetnutzer weiss um die Bedeutung sozialer Netzwerke und manchmal sind es auch fast ausschließlich diese, die dafür sorgen, dass wir Stunden vor dem Bildschirm verbringen. Seitenweise blättern wir Bilder von selbst zubereiteten Gerichten, mehr oder minder spassige Comics, Gewinnspielnews oder Botschaften á la "Tante Erna liegt im Krankenhaus" durch - mit dem Ergebnis, uns danach zu fragen, wieso es schon wieder dunkel geworden ist.
Vista was quickly replaced by the new Windows 7, which has the same Aero desktop but a much improved usability. One of the few things that Windows 7 lacks is the ability to customize the desktop to the extent that Windows XP had.
Windows 10: Windows-Update Probleme beheben @ PC-Experience
Diesmal gibt es Tipps und Tricks zum Thema "Windows 2008 Terminalserver"
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