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Overall, the Callpod Keeper is a pretty solid product. I wish I knew more about what military-grade security means, but I’m going to go ahead and assume that the software provides a serious level of safety. I trust Keeper is like a fine seven-foot-thick steel wall of stanch iron between my precious passwords and Little Johnny Jimbo the laptop thief. Things like the auto-logout and self-destruct features are great tools for keeping unwanted guests out of your password log, and the software’s means of filing and storing your information couldn’t be more straightforward and user-friendly.
A couple weeks ago I compared Windows Xp that comes on the Acer Aspire One D250 to the new Windows 7 to basically find out how they compared to each other in terms of performance. The D250 I have comes with 1gig of ram, so As sort of a part two to that article I thought I’d toss in 2 gigs of ram and re-run all of my tests to see what, if any difference there might be between running 1 gig or 2 gigs. The results of the testing very much surprised me in that 2gigs doesn’t seem to be better at all really, and I’m not sure why that is. Maybe someone else can shed some light on this for me
Catalyst 10.2 heißt der neueste Treiber aus dem Hause ATi, der die hauseigenen Grafikkarten verbessern und beschleunigen soll. Wie schlägt sich der Treiber gegenüber dem Vorgänger? Wir testen ihn an einer Radeon HD 5870 mit Hilfe unseres ausführlichen Testparcours’. Dabei achten wir nicht nur auf die Performance, sondern versuchen darüber hinaus, Inkompatibilitäten und Probleme herauszufinden.
The end of the month is all very hectic at the moment and straight in the middle of our busiest time ATI have dropped the latest driver on us like clockwork. Combined with the pre-Computex news getting along that there's an NDA lifting on the new mid-range GTX 400 series next week and it's just busy, busy, busy times.
Bereits am Dienstag hatten wir gemeldet, dass Microsoft erste Schritte gegen den DLL-Preloading-Bug, welcher sämtliche Versionen von Windows betrifft, eingeleitet hat. Die aktuelle Lösung richtet sich allerdings in erster Linie an Administratoren und wurde leider alles andere als komfortabel umgesetzt. Aufgrund zahlreicher Nachfragen haben wir uns entschlossen, den Workaround Schritt für Schritt zu beschreiben.
Since my recent adoption of the Android platform, I have noticed many little things that drive me crazy about the OS. I am by no means an Apple Fan Boy, but when compared to IOS... there are just so many things that need to be refined. Some are very important to fix quickly, and some are just annoyances. For me, today, it was an annoyance. My calendar is important to me, it keeps me on track and on time. However, Android is determined to annoy me with its weird behavior and likes to auto populate my calendar with many of the same events, duplicating them, when syncing. Now how do I clear all these events?
Every person has different tastes when it comes to their installation of Windows. Through the years that have been many things that I do right off the bat when getting my install "just right". In the XP days, the first thing I would do was to stretch the taskbar, enable Quick Launch, add an address bar, unlock it, then move those around a bit. If my taskbar wasn't set up this way, I HATED IT... in fact, I would move other people's around when I worked on their computers! Windows 7 is no different for me, however, the list isn't as exhaustive yet. This is a multipart series, so stay tuned for more.
Being a short month, it comes as no surprise that the latest Catalyst version has hit us a little earlier than usual. As always, we'll run it through our normal array of benchmarks and see if outside of what AMD say we're going to see improvements in, there's anything else that shows us some surprises.
I really had high hopes for the latest version of Firefox, so much so that I sat and dealt with the same problems from the previous version waiting for an update to fix it. Firefox has come a long way since it debuted, but sometimes that road ahead can actually lead you backwards. With the slurry of new features present in Firefox 4, and even 3 for that matter, the project has failed to address one of the most problematic issues, memory usage.
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