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Every person has different tastes when it comes to their installation of Windows. Through the years that have been many things that I do right off the bat when getting my install "just right". In the XP days, the first thing I would do was to stretch the taskbar, enable Quick Launch, add an address bar, unlock it, then move those around a bit. If my taskbar wasn't set up this way, I HATED IT... in fact, I would move other people's around when I worked on their computers! Windows 7 is no different for me, however, the list isn't as exhaustive yet. This is a multipart series, so stay tuned for more.
I have had an annoying problem that I just realized I had. Sometimes, when I am quick clicking through websites or testing on this one, I tend to hit some buttons rather quickly. Sometimes, they close my windows and other times have no effect. Well, one time, I accidentally zoomed in on this site with Firefox and never realized that I did so.
It's official; we're in December with the release of the Catalyst 10.12. As the Catalyst driver team has done over the past few Decembers, they're at it again offering us something special at the end of the year.
Futuremark is well known for their benchmarks, and now they’re also known for their games too. The most popular of their software is the 3DMark series, and now the newest one is here. They were kind enough to send me over the newest in the series for review, 3DMark 11 Advanced Edition. As with all of the 3DMark software suites, this one too will give your video card and system a workout. The newest versions is all re-done, and it looks nice, very nice. Read on..
In the realm of benchmarking one name stands out as THE company to go to for your benchmark. That company is Futuremark. Since the first release of their 3DMark test they have been the ones to turn to when it comes to benchmarking not only your GPU, but in many cases your entire system.
Benchmarks are one of those things you either love or hate. We actually love benchmarks since they are a huge part of the enthusiast's arsenal. From competing on HWbot, submitting to Futuremark's ORB, or just tuning in new hardware you will be using some form of benchmark to determine your level of performance. While game tests give the results that really matter to most people synthetic benchmarks have certainly proven their worth.
mit dem Futuremark 3DMark 11 schicken die Schweden ihren ersten DirectX-11-Benchmark ins Rennen. PC Games Hardware schickt 20 Grafikkarten durch den Test und erläutert Technik sowie Presets.
Gut zweieinhalb Jahre sind vergangen, seit das finnische Unternehmen Futuremark mit 3DMark Vantage seinen letzten, großen Grafik-Benchmark präsentiert hat. Der Benchmark sorgte seinerzeit für viel Aufsehen, galt er doch mit dem Vista-Zwang (DirectX 10) sowie den sehr hohen Hardware-Anforderungen bei vielen für lange Zeit als kaum brauchbar.Erst mit neuen Grafikkarten-Generationen und dem ...
Diesmal gibt es wieder einige Secret Registry Hacks für Windows 7, um das System zu optimieren,
und den eigenen Bedürfnissen anzupassen
Das Internet ist voll von Viren, Würmern und Trojanern. Dennoch sind alle paar Jahre Vertreter dieser Gattung dabei, die es bis in die Allgemein- und Boulevard-Presse schaffen wie etwa "I love you", Blaster, Sasser oder Conficker. Aktuell macht ein Virus - genauer gesagt ein Wurm - Schlagzeilen, der unter dem Namen Stuxnet bekannt geworden ist. Was ihn so besonders macht, will der heutige Artikel aufzeigen, den Community-Mitglied und damit Gast-Autor "Onkel_Dithmeyer" für uns geschrieben hat.
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