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Seit der Veröffentlichung von True Image 2012 ist nun ein gutes Jahr vergangen und Acronis hat am 27. August 2012 die Version 2013 für den Verkauf und Test freigegeben. Somit ist diese Version noch vor dem 26. Oktober erhältlich, denn dann steht bekanntermaßen Windows 8 in den Verkaufsregalen. Da stellen wir uns natürlich die Frage, ob diese Version das neuste Betriebssystem aus Redmond tatsächlich schon hinreichend unterstützt. Im Artikel Acronis True Image 2013 im Praxistest haben wir uns mit den grundlegenden Funktionen, dem Erstellen und Wiederherstellen eines System-Backup, befasst. In diesem zweiten Teil werden wir uns mit einer weiteren, nicht unerheblichen Funktion der Software, dem Anlegen von Online-Backups näher beschäftigen. Das Thema ist sehr komplex und würde den Rahmen des ersten Teils sprengen, weshalb wir uns für einen zweiten Part entschieden haben. Ob True Image 2013 diese Anforderung erfüllt, erfahrt ihr in diesem ausführlichen Praxis Test Part II. Dazu wünschen wir euch wieder viel Spaß...
Since Google announced its hugely popular Google Reader service will be shutting down on Just 1st, tens of millions of users have been left wondering where to turn to next to get their news fix. The web giant made the shock announcement on its developers blog last week confirming that a fall in the number of users was one of the reasons for closing down the service. So as Google looks to putting its energy “into fewer products” Google Reader users will need to seek out an alternative service. Here we take a look at some of the options that are available.
By now, H.265 (or HEVC) has proven that it is able to reduce bandwidth usage by 50% compared to H.264. In all likelihood, the new codec will play a large role in the increasing popularity of 4K video. However, for the time being we'll have to wait for devices, and thus chips, which actually support this new standard. Parties such as Qualcomm and PowerVR have already made announcements, but other parties remain suspiciously quiet. To be continued!
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Today I’m looking at WinX DVD to iPod Ripper, and it’s made to do exactly as the name suggests, take a DVD and rip it to an iPod format so you can take it with you. It’s free software, so giving it a try won’t cost you anything, and it just might be what you need to get the job done. It’s the first piece of software I’m taking a look at in this little series to get videos to your iPod, and the bottom line is that it works, albeit slow,it does get the job done. Read on for a quick look at it to learn a bit more…
Vista was quickly replaced by the new Windows 7, which has the same Aero desktop but a much improved usability. One of the few things that Windows 7 lacks is the ability to customize the desktop to the extent that Windows XP had.
So here I am a few months later back with what you could call part 2 of this comparison article. This one is truly all 32bit operating systems, yes I spent many hours installing and testing these operating systems to get a better idea of which really is the better choice. I used the exact same hard drive for each operating system to make sure it was truly comparable, fresh installs each time and of course it’s the exact same hardware for each as well. I’ve actually expanded the testing a bit to include networking, video encoding, and gaming and even how they handle things like USB drives or removable storage. This is probably the most comprehensive comparison out there today in terms of what was tested and all of the tests that were run on these operating systems, so I hope you learn something from it…
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Obwohl Windows 7 um einiges besser ausgestattet ist als seine Vorgänger, fehlen einige wichtige Tools gänzlich. Andere Bordmittel sind so dürftig im Funktionsumfang das man auf Ihren Einsatz gerne verzichtet. Mit einigen Freeware Programmen läßt sich das System schnell optimieren
execution time : 0.092 sec