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Windows Vista of course, has lots of extra features, which usually means you need a faster computer to keep the same speed as the previous generation. One of the most basic things people do with their comptuers is browse for files using Explorer. Sometimes you can think your comptuer is really slow, because Explorer is busy getting video or photo thumbnails, or doing other automatic things to "make your life easier".
And all you have to do to be a part of it all is to simply own one. But what about those people that want to take it a step further? There are bloggers all around the world wanting to get their word out, and what better way to do it than the net? And what better format than audio. You spurt your random nonsense into a microphone, send that crap to cyberspace, and every person on the planet with an internet connection has access. And the peeps over at X-OOM have the studio to help you make your dreams of being a world-wide-blabbermouth come true. Today I'm checking out X-OOM's Podcast Studio, and I'll check out the joys of podcasting for myself.
netstat - Offene Ports anzeigen
Gelöschte AD Objekte wieder herstellen
net accounts - DC Konto prüfen
dcdiag - Domänencontroller überprüfen
AD Dienst manuell stoppen/starten
dcpromo im erweiterten Modus ausführen
TCP/IP neu installieren
Die Windows 7 Beta lässt sich natürlich auch ohne gültigen Product-Key installieren, allerdings ist sie dann nur 30 Tage nutzbar.
Mit einem ganz simplen Trick lässt sich der Testzeitraum aber verlängern.
Free software is quickly becomming the standard of measure for many tech-savvy consumers. Open Office does for users one thing that Microsoft Office does not: save hundreds of dollars. Linux distributions deliver a fully-funtional Operating System to users, with better stability and security than the expensive Windows and Mac O/S counterparts. In this article, Benchmark Reviews introduces another very helpful software program which will soon improve the user experience without an attached price tag: meet the AMD Fusion Media Explorer
Wir haben unseren Artikel über Tipps und Tuning für Windows Vista wieder aktualisiert. Neu hinzugekommen sind zwei Tipps bezüglich der Registry.
Wie schon unter Windows Vista bietet auch Windows 7 im Notfall verschiedene Reparaturoptionen an, die wir für etwaige Irritationen des Systems nutzen können, um z.B. Startprobleme zu verfizieren und natürlich auch zu beseitigen.
Mehr als 20 Tools verbergen sich unter einer grafischen Oberfläche.
Die Software aus dem Hause Data Becker verspricht einiges...
Futuremark Corporation today unveiled Peacekeeper, a free online benchmarking tool for measuring and comparing the performance of common internet browsers. We ran the benchmark on 11 browsers to see which one is the fastest and we even included Firefox 3.1 beta 3, which just came out today!
Neue Tipps und How To´s aus der Server 2008 Praxis stehen zur Verfügung.
Diesmal geht es um die Themen Gruppenrichtlinien, Festplattenverwaltung und Kommandozeile.
Group Policy Log View Tool
Festplatten verwalten mit diskpart
MBR oder GPT
Servermanger über die Konsole verwenden
Mit Shutdown Server herunterfahren
execution time : 0.057 sec