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The CM Storm Trigger keyboard from Cooler Master can be ordered in four versions, with both Brown, Black, Red or Blue Cherry MX switches and features red LED lighting for all keys. The intensity of the LEDs can be modified straight from the keys without the need to install the software, but we can also choose a “pulsating” mode, or the ability to have only the frequently used keys for gaming lit like WSAD and arrow keys.
Test: Roccat Isku FX Wir testen die „Roccat Isku FX“. Neben einer frei wählbaren Tastenbeleuchtung möchte Roccat mit einem durch Lichteffekte untermalten Spielgeschehen punkten. Erfolgreich?
Logitech launched a mouse aimed at MMO gamers, combining a keypad with an ergonomic mouse design into a quite unique product, dubbed the G600
The G600 isn’t very attractive as a result of Logitech emphasizing ergonomics and function over aesthetics. I wouldn’t call the Razer Naga attractive either with its own waffle of buttons, or really any other MMO mice such as the Corsair M90 and the Mad Catz M.M.O. 7. The G600 just looks weird, but for all the right reasons...
Asus are one of the biggest names on the market, famed for their motherboards, graphics cards and other solutions. Most famously of all of course is the Republic of Gamers brand, also known as ROG. It's with the ROG brand that they have pushed many of the latest and greatest gaming components of this generation and while Asus has some impressive internal system components, they have also created some impressive peripherals such as the one I will be taking a look at today, the Asus ROG Vulcan ANC PRO Gaming Headset.
Mit der Gaming-Maus Shrike H2L stellt Tesoro die passende Begleitung zur Durandal Ultimate Tastatur zur Verfügung vor und versucht sich so noch stärker am deutschen Markt der Gaming-Peripherie zu etablieren. Dabei gilt für den Hersteller das Motto "Von Gamer, für Gamer". Mit entsprechend hochwertiger Verarbeitung und Ausstattung versucht man zu punkten und die eigenen Produkte anzupreisen. Nach dem die Durandal in unserem Test bereits mehr als überzeugen konnte, waren wir auf die Leistung der Shrike Maus sowie Aegis Mauspad von Tesoro gespannt.
Razer is a well known manufacturer of Gaming Equipment. Razer has a wide range of gamer Keyboards and Mouse in their product range, and with good reason. The product we will review here is the Razer DeathStalker Ultimate with SwitchBlade UI.
Negli ultimi dieci anni l'utilizzo tipico del PC ha subito vari cambiamenti: complici i nuovi standard e gli abbattimenti dei costi, oggi è possibile trovare PC che ricoprono ruoli “secondari” come ad esempio la riproduzione dei contenuti multimediali (HTPC), server casalinghi etc. Proprio per quanto riguarda la riproduzione multimediale, se l'HW e i produttori hanno dato una forte mano all'utenza nella realizzazione di sistemi compatti, piacevoli alla vista e silenziosi, le periferiche sono rimaste in un certo senso indietro, tanto che fino a qualche anno fa il massimo che si poteva fare era acquistare dei dispositivi standard wireless.
L'Americana Truly Ergonomic è sicuramente nuova alle orecchie di molti, si tratta di una azienda specializzata nella realizzazione di tastiere ad alta ergonomia al fine di rendere meno stressante la scrittura al computer. Oggi ne analizzeremo l'unico modello a catalogo.
For those of you who are avid readers of eTeknix, you've seen how quickly eTeknix has grown in terms of content and of course, staff members. Our team has grown by huge amounts, allowing us to produce more content than ever before for both news and reviews.
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