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The Siberia Neckband is a behind-ear version of the popular SteelSeries Siberia, a headset that is well-respected in the gaming community for its sound design and iconic look. Although built for iOS devices (iPhones, iPods and iPads), the Siberia Neckband is also compatible with the Xbox 360 and PC via adapters. Let’s have a look and see if this new variant manages to continue the Siberia’s tradition of excellence in a new format.
Switching over to the keyboard we are about to be looking at should really be like changing the color of my T-shirt. By this I mean the feel of the keys, the layout and the keyboards functionality are all something I am fully aware of and used to using. This is not to say they are exactly the same, as there are distinct differences between this new sample and the G110 I have been wearing out over the past year with all of these reviews. With most samples there is a bit of a learning curve to get used to the product, or learn the nuances of the software, but since I have used Logitech products of all sorts over the years, the software side is nothing new to me either.
Cooler Master’s CM Storm range of products has been slowly expanding in the last couple of years and now contains a wide range of gaming peripherals. It’s clear that they are trying to compete with the big names in the gaming peripheral market like SteelSeries, Razer and Logitech.
Die Firma Cooler Master hat auf der diesjährigen Cebit in Hannover eine Menge neuer Produkte vorgeführt. Zu diesen Neuerungen zählte auch die mechanische Tastatur Trigger, welche nach einer großen Präsentationsphase seit Ende März für einen Preis von rund 115 Euro zu haben ist. Wie auch die Produkte anderer Hersteller setzt Coolermaster ebenfalls auf die Cherry-MX-Tasten. Mechanische Tastaturen sind jedoch in ihrer Konstruktion keineswegs neu, sondern werden je nach Hersteller und Modell meist mit geringen Abweichungen, oftmals nur vom Design her, angeboten. Auch preislich schwanken die Werte je nach Modell und Feature-Umfang zwischen knapp 25 Euro für das günstigste Modell von Cherry bis zum teuersten Kollegen Vengeance K60 der Firma Corsair mit ganzen 180 Euronen. Die Trigger liegt damit merklich im Mittelfeld…..
While still one of the newer kids on the block, having only been around for a couple of years at this point, Roccat, makers of high end gaming peripherals have been rivalling the big boys since day one. Today they're hoping to do that once more with a revamp of a mouse that I like very much, the Kova. This one, termed the Kova +, brings tweaked specifications and some new features that Roccat is hoping will make it perhaps the best ambidextrous mouse available. Let's see if they're right.
With a slogan of 'For Gamers, By Gamers', Razer create a big image to live up to. This is something that they have done repeatedly for many years by releasing high quality, high performance peripherals aimed at the gaming market.
With the release of the highly anticipated Star Wars: The Old Republic (SW:TOR) which has been developed by RPG Power house BioWare, it is not surprising however, that they decided teamed up with the MMO to release some branded hardware. In total they have designed and released the SW:TOR Gaming Headset, MMO mouse, Gaming Surface and the Keyboard. As far as immersion is concerned in gaming, a headset can be the most important peripheral available, being able to completely immerse someone aurally into the game world.
Le choix de nos composants PC a toujours suscité une extrême attention de notre part. Au détour de la presse papier et bien sûr de la presse en ligne qui distillent de nombreux tests plus ou moins poussés, nous arrivons toujours à trouver le bon compromis entre nos besoins réels, nos envies et notre budget. Pour autant, certains périphériques ne bénéficient pas de la même attention.C’est notamment le cas du clavier qui malgré de nombreuses idées préconçues, voire farfelues, représente bel et bien un périphérique presque tout aussi important que n’importe quel composant PC puisque ce dernier caractérise le moyen d’interagir avec sa machine. Un périphérique qu’il ne faut donc surtout pas négliger si vous souhaitez garantir un niveau de confort d’utilisation optimal de votre PC. Voici donc le test de quatre claviers.
Bon d’accord, le titre est sans doute un peu racoleur, voire même provocateur puisque le but de Razer n’est absolument pas de se tirer une balle dans le pied en remplaçant sa gamme de souris ultra précises et réactives. Le spécialiste du périphérique pour joueurs exigeants et passionnés souhaite au contraire proposer une nouvelle façon de jouer sur PC avec l’Hydra.
Sowohl Audio- als auch Verarbeitungsqualität konnten durchaus überzeugen, auch wenn dem Headset typische Fehlerquellen nachhinken, die die Konkurrenz aber auch bietet
Cari lettori di XtremeHardware quest’oggi andremo a recensire la pluripremiata tastiera Logitech G19. Nonostante il passare del tempo questa tastiera rimane comunque un’ottima periferica, capace di rivaleggiare con le tastiere tastiere a membrana di fascia alta più recenti. Le peculiarità di questa tastiera sono senza alcun dubbio lo schermo LCD e le possibilità di personalizzazione offerta.
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